"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Upgraded ATACMS missiles in the US aid package to Ukraine could present a big threat to Putin after Russian defences' past failures on stopping older model missiles from wreaking havoc in Crimea, says Illia Ponomarenko from @kyivindependent
Agreed. I'd like to hope that a lot of the promised kit was already in place in Germany and Poland, just waiting for Congress to sign off.
Nice. And meanwhile Ottawa dithers on further lethal aid to Ukraine. Trudeau; please send all of our Leopard 2s and ARVs, half of our M113 APCs and LAV IIIs, every single 155mm shell in our stocks, most of our body armour, night vision and communication kits. And then there's ATGMs, SAMs, small arms, etc. Strip the cupboards bare, even if it takes us a decade to replenish.

These folk need every bit of kit they can get.

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