"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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The reason why I am curious what may happen, is because Raisi was a bastard, having a great many people put to death and his aggressive policies were not popular with the people.

It's been reported that when his death was announced, Iranians were setting off fireworks and celebrating.

Also, in his wake, will be an ugly power struggle to fill his position.

It'll be interesting to see how all this plays out.
Add in the fairly recent protests and the hierarchy will have to tread carefully.
Lets not forget that president was actually a mass murderer of political opponents, having ordered executions of thousands of Iranians.
There are reports the Iranian people are hit hard by this loss, even using fireworks to "mourn" him.
There are reportedly some gatherings near iranian embassies around the world to "mourn" him.
The Ayatolla is 80-something years old and Raisi was due to take his position.

So this ads to the power grab.

Meanwhile, Putin does not have a "top guy" to work deals with plus there is the possibility that the people may take this opportunity to challenge the current government.

*if* this happens, Russia may lose an ally.

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