"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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That was Russian footage. I would've like to have seen the orcs faces when they saw the rescue. That there were troops to rescue.

Right, the Bradley may've gotten dusted, but it protected the men inside -- the most valuable component of the weapon-system. It takes two months to build a Bradley, it takes 20 years to build a warrior.

The one thing that struck me watching that footage was asking myself how many times, after watching Russian losses, have I seen other Russians going in to rescue their mates. Not many at all. I think that speaks a little to the differing attitudes of the front-line soldiers.

As we know, war is a team event. But if you don't trust your buddies to your left and right, it's pretty hard to build teamwork.

Those sonsabitches in the vid were willing to take a hull-shot to save their fellows. I don't see that often when seeing Russian troops getting shot up.
As we know, war is a team event. But if you don't trust your buddies to your left and right, it's pretty hard to build teamwork.
Over at funker530, there was even a video of a Russian trying to get the drone to attack his buddy, who was hiding nearby.

The drone operator was furious at the chicken-sh!t, but moved the drone towards the hiding soldier which gave the ratbastard a chance to run for it.

The drone waited a bit more and then went full speed into the fleeing Russian and detonated...

I don't doubt it. There's chickenshit in every fighting force, including the American and Ukrainian services as well.

As a USAF firefighter, we'd be shooting the shit outside the station after duty hours and saying "I'd fight fire with him any day of the week" or "I wouldn't trust that SoB with a Halligan tool on a training ground." And we weren't even combat troops. How much more they must rely upon each other!
I'm a civie, but I've always respected the priorities driven into officers and NCOs of mission, men and then myself. Clearly, unlike the Russians, the Ukrainian combat leadership right down to the rescuing Bradley commander cares about bringing their comrades home alive.
Interesting....I immediately thought of the same video - I think there's a link somewhere in the preceding 1500 or so pages..... I was struck by exactly that contrast: between well-trained team-mates risking everything to save their comrades; and ill-trained rabble prepared to sacrifice their comrades to preserve themselves.

I was never a combat troop, but as a firefighter I feared the shame of letting my buddies down more than I feared for my own life. How could I wake up the next day and stand reveille if someone died because I didn't come through? And how much more these Ukrainians on the front feel this.

It's stark contrast to how Russians don't seem to put their asses on the line for their own buds. Again, not a combat troop so it's easy for me to coach from the sideline.

The drone operator's comments (and someone in the background, another OP perhaps?) were extremely condemning of that soldier's actions, which is most likely why they took him out with extreme predjudice.

I also thought it was also commendable that during the FPV drone attacks, the Ukrainians made a point of not taking out the hiding soldier who was ratted out.
The loitering drone did zoom in on him and he was curled up with his hands covering his helmet - poor bastard.

It's a shit sandwich for any grunt there no matter whose flag he fights under, and they're all, in the end, human beings in a crucible. But there's an old Far Side cartoon that covers this:

I don't know if this is the Polish mortar mentioned in the video from the Chinese fighting for Russia, but it is interesting in its flexibility.

I can't find any mention of a Polish mortar outside of MSM.com links. When I search the internet my default is always -Pinterest to block their images and -msm.com on news, in both cases this is the only way to reach the actual image or news sources.
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I am totally disgusted with the !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&* Australian government.


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