"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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To be fair, there are sources of coal much closer to Ukraine, ie Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, & Turkey. They can send coal overland or by ship over fairly short and secure routes except in the Black Sea, whereas Australia would obviously have to send the coal by ship over a very long distance and face risk in the Black Sea. The risk may be small re the Black Sea ports, but the normal shipping of large amounts of coal over such large distances could be problematic.

Does Australia currently send coal to the EU? What are Australia's shipping capabilities?
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Totally agree with you. The idea that power for civilian use and support military production isn't practical military support is mind numbing.
I thought the Chinese merc was more likely to be talking about the man portable LMP-2017 Polish mortars.

Here's the original article without MSN.com getting the click revenue.

MSN has become like Yahoo, aggregating news from other sites and posting it as their own, thus taking the advertising view and click revenue. I recommend anyone searching for news insert -msn.com at the end of their entry (with the minus sign) to exclude articles stolen by MSN.
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Does Australia currently send coal to the EU? What are Australia's shipping capabilities?
China would not approve.

Considering that Australia is willing to destroy its own environment in the name of coal, I don't expect its backers in Adelaide would want to piss off their #1 customer.

I avoid MSN anyway, given their bias.
Don't forget there are politics involved. Musn't upset the environmentalists.

Then again, what are Ukrainian kids lives worth when compared to some votes ?
This has nothing to do with not wanting to upset environmentalists. It is just a continuing part of Australia's pathetic approach to Ukraine. We won't send Hawkeis...we won't sent MRH90s...we won't send old Abrams....now won't even send coal...FFS!! I think we're down to thoughts and prayers...which is useless!!!
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Interesting shots. Gears down and at an altitude that suggests in the pattern to land. Also of note is the centerline external tank. If I remember correctly it's not jettison able, and prohibits use of the gun (blocks shell ejection port). The Germans modified theirs to allow gun use but that doesn't appear to be the case with UKR.

There is some excellent combat induced ingenuity being demonstrated here.

There is probably a lot of truth in that

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