"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Like they have spare weaponry at hand, sure. They're digging up T-55s from boneyards and are burying planes every day.

After this last two-plus years of a shitshow, who wants Russian gear outside of some third-rate tinhorn African dictator who needs to put down civilians, who counts Russian gear as useful?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4zyjLyBp64&t=6s&ab_channel=blc3211
Russian President Vladimir Putin this week gave a rare update on casualty and prisoner-of-war figures from his nation's ongoing war in Ukraine, though his figures contradicted Western estimates of the human cost of his ongoing invasion.

At a meeting in St. Petersburg on Wednesday, Putin told the heads of several international news agencies that there are 1,348 Russian troops and officers in captivity in Ukraine compared to the 6,465 Ukrainians in Russian detention, RIA Novosti and TASS news agency reported.

He also asserted that Moscow has only lost one soldier for every five that Kyiv has.

"I can tell you that our losses, particularly irretrievable losses, are certainly significantly smaller than those of the opposite party," Putin said, as reported by TASS.

The Russian president's claims contradict Ukrainian and U.S. battlefield estimates, the latest of which reported that Moscow has suffered 515,000 casualties, including more than 50,000 deaths, since the war began in February 2022. The real death toll could actually be much higher, as there are no reliable exact numbers for Kremlin military casualties.

Yeah and the Russians, especially Putin, have been proven to report only facts.

OMAHA BEACH, France (AP) — An American veteran and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy shared an emotional moment at a ceremony to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion to liberate France in World War II, each praising the other as a hero.

Retired Staff Sgt. Melvin Hurwitz, 99, and other veterans were introduced to the foreign dignitaries remembering the landings in Normandy on Thursday. When he met Zelenskyy, Hurwitz kissed the Ukrainian leader's hand and pulled him in for an extended hug, exclaiming: "Oh, you're the savior of the people!"

A beaming Zelenskyy replied: "No, no, no, you ... you saved Europe." The crowd watching exploded with applause, and Hurwitz asked for a picture with the Ukrainian president. He told Zelenskyy that he prays for him.

I admit that I was trying to think of anyone Russia hasn't sent supplies to, who have asked for them.
We in the West need to stop pretending that Russia-Ukraine is just a regional border dispute. Russia, Iran and China are directly and indirectly trying to expand their spheres of influence by force and intimidation. What's going on in Ukraine is different only in degree to what Iran and it's proxies are doing in the Middle-East, and China is doing in the South China Sea. And they are all working together.

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