"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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Interesting ....... but showing C-17s when talking about IL-76s is sloppy (see around 18.28 in the clip)
I wanted to start a YT channel. I'd use unrelated clips of airplanes while talking about other ones. In some cases, I'd throw a wadded up piece of paper in front of the lens and call it a B-29 or something. I'd present popular myths as facts. I'd go by the handle "Professor Propwash". This guy was the inspiration. No sh!#.
I'm still waiting to subscribe. I would generate a million bot followers for you.
Think about it: The Ukrainian pilots have probably been lucky to get 100 - 200hrs on the F-16 during their compressed training. But if the Ukrainians are able to contract a few pilots who have 1000+ hrs they would be invaluable.

... and isn't it better to spread the experience those hours have bought around to the rookies, rather than pitching them into the battle forthwith? That's my point. It's not any different than USN vs IJN training, or UK/US rotation vs German LW training.

Don't throw these rookies into the melee. Spend a little more time with them, let them know their planes better, and reduce your demand on flight schools replacing dead pilots.

I double-dog dare you to use footage of a P-26 while talking about a Sabre Jet -- or vice-versa for that matter.
Regarding instructors: the Luftwaffe, in a panic, grabbed up all their flight school instructors and sent them to the Stalingrad airlift, where many were lost.

This had a catastrophic effect from that point foreward on their mid/late war pilot pool.

Regarding a bullshit YT channel, one can always start with the Spitfire fighter Jet that saved Britain.

Oh, wait, the BBC already did that.

Ok, anything by Caidin would work...
Mixing them into the units with the Ukrainians would be good. That said, the Ukrainians also bring real world combat experience too so both would compliment each other.

Perhaps a generated video of the story in the back of Brother Martin's P-38 book. It is in my paperback version and may not be in the hard cover. It involves a long overdue P-38 return where it should have run out of fuel hours back. Troops are standing in chow line when said P-38 appears over head and disintegrates in the air. I wondered at the time, did our troops stand in chow lines in the sand? Could the 38 driver have a malfunction where he could land, repair and takeoff? Rob has the director's script. Now, let's see a two hour movie complete with the 38 driver's experiences on the way home.
''...The weapons are being provided through presidential drawdown authority, which means they are taken from Pentagon stockpiles and can be delivered more quickly.

The aid comes as Ukrainian forces continue to broaden their surprise offensive into Russia, where officials say they have taken about 62 square miles of territory around Kursk


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