"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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''...A Russian state media outlet reported that nearly all Chinese banks had stopped processing payments from Russia out of fear of being targeted.

Russia, meanwhile, has nearly depleted its yuan reserves, and businesses were locked out of billions earlier this year amid payment issues abroad, according to data from Russia's central bank

''...It's clear that Russia's military industry heavily depends on Western components, particularly in electronics," explained Frontelligence Insight, a Ukrainian analysis group. Sanctions put into place by Western governments in the 31 months since Russia widened its war on Ukraine have throttled the supply of this critical hardware. As a result, "production of the Su-57 is injeopardy'', Frontelligence Insight concluded...''

''...It's possible that, 14 years after the type's first flight, there are slightly more than 30 Su-57s in the Russian inventory, a third of them test models potentially lacking some of the planned electronics...''

Russian forces continue to use chemical weapons in Ukraine in a continued apparent violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), to which Russia is a party. The Ukrainian Support Forces Command reported on October 8 that Russian forces continue to use K-51 and RG-VO grenade launchers to launch munitions containing harmful but not necessarily lethal riot control agents (RCA), which are prohibited in combat by the CWC.[24] The Ukrainian Support Forces Command reported that there have been 250 cases of Russian forces using munitions containing unknown types of dangerous chemical agents in Ukraine in September 2024. The Ukrainian Support Forces Command reported that Russian chemical weapons use has been systematic since February 2023 and that as of September 24 Ukraine has recorded Russian forces using munitions equipped with chemical weapons 4,228 times. ISW has consistently reported on increasingly common instances of Russian forces using chemical substances in combat that are banned by the CWC.[25]

''...The Ukrainian military said on Thursday that in the latest strike into Russia during the previous night, it attacked Khanskaya airfield, located in the southwestern Republic of Adygea. Ukraine said that it struck an ammunition warehouse at the site and caused "fire damage" to the airfield, which hosted Su-34 and Su-27 warplanes. It's unclear if the attack impacted any aircraft...''

Ok, so it's ok for Russia to employ a foreign military's troops bit Ukraine can't?

If it were the other way around, Russia would be issuing the usual nuke/escalation threat...

Its no different than how Russia thinks shooting missiles at Ukrainian cities is ok, but Ukraine doing the same to Russian cities is against the rulebook.

It's laughable really…

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