"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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There are unconfirmed reports that she is sinking. Apparently the crew has abandoned ship.

Please be true, and way to go Ukraine!
If this is true, it could affect the final battle for Mariupol, which is very important for both sides in my view. Moskva is and/or was a powerful missile cruiser.
nah - it was just small accident, probably selfignition - it happen in the navy...
re the video of the Ukrainian tank shooting up the BTRs.

" "

I am sure that most of the video is a simulation. Possibly some of the last 15 sec or so is not, although the overhead close-up of the burning vehicle is fake.
That's realtime footage, not a simulation.

The annotations (flags) were layered over, after, of course.
Your are stretching your goal-posts now to the indefinite, and are now just reiterating my post-reply in regards to your absurd statement that NATO doesn't have politicians. aka isn't run
by politicians. And even telling me to read up onto NATO.
As for your last statement it wasn't part of my reply at all - so why bring up another assumption of yours, who's content was never expressed by me as you now forward it

You think Medvedev was ruling Russia? He was just the mouthpiece for Putin, who was calling the shots. And where were you then? Were you out of diapers yet?
Talk, talk, talk, blah, blah blah, - bring in proof if you want to state something-not just baseless assumptions.
Since you got no idea as to how old I am - keep your insinuating and insulting gossip to your self.

Sorry, I wish the video was real, but it is not.

1. The muzzle flash of the Russian auto cannon is wrong, as are the projectile tracer . . traces?
2. The fire from the knocked out vehicle, in the middle of the video, is made up of a series of repeated images/movements.
3. The panning of the drone camera is fake . . there is no movement of the drone platform itself, subtle change of LOS angle movement that is noticeable in real drone camera footage.
Talk, talk, talk, blah, blah blah, - bring in proof if you want to state something-not just baseless assumptions.
If you were reading and watching what was going on in the world at the time, it was pretty obvious who was pulling the strings. Your take on it smacks of somebody reading a history book years after the fact.
No not at all - besides that you are clearly showing that you are biased towards facts. - and even declaring these to be just my personal views.

My question to you was upon you siding with another poster in regards to - supplying weapons is by "international understanding" a declaration of war.
Me then asking you to show me were in the UN statutes it says so. - your answer: irrelevant, no one ever claimed......
Another guy states that there are no politicians in NATO and tells me to read up upon NATO - your answer: highlighting in bold that support your view and glossing over and ignoring other parts that don't support it.
Show me in the text I forwarded were it states anything which I had ignored because it doesn't support my view.
And that isn't even just my "view" - that NATO is run and staffed by politicians is a "Fact". That no UN declaration or statute exists towards conventional weapon deliveries - is a "Fact".

Maybe some people here need to learn about the vast difference between stating a "view" and "facts" before posting general statements?

If reasonable, fact based discussions and posts are not favored in this Forum - kindly let me know.

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