"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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More evidence that sanctions are starting to bite.

The Russian stock exchange failed to open today and the Russian central bank has more than doubled its baseline interest rate.

There are also reports of long queues outside many banks, with some expressing fear that there may be a run on several financial institutions.

What I've read on the Hill is that the run has already started:

Western nations ramped up the pressure with a freeze on Russia's hard currency reserves, threatening to bring Russia's economy to its knees. Russians withdrew savings and sought to shed rubles for dollars and euros, while Russian businesses scrambled to protect their finances.

A Admiral Beez , a friend of mine at another forum reports she heard that column was mauled overnight, but she didn't provide a link and I think she misread an article about a different recon column, as that's the only one I could find at her preferred source.
What I've read on the Hill is that the run has already started:

A Admiral Beez , a friend of mine at another forum reports she heard that column was mauled overnight, but she didn't provide a link and I think she misread an article about a different recon column, as that's the only one I could find at her preferred source.

They are showing pictures and video of a freshly destroyed Russian column. Still smoking. Not sure if it is that one though.
i thought about diverting some of USAF ordered machines -- just shifting order of deliveries -
Again, that would need approval and to do so would also change the supply chain because the internal equipment in the aircraft would be different - equipment, avionics, long lead time items would need to be rescheduled
Poland already did payed two tranches for F35 - US did it couple of times for Israel why not for Poland?
First, Poland, like other customers, contracted for their aircraft but did not pay for the entire order. They will make progress payments based on their delivery schedule. Even the US does not hand the entire contract amount to the contractor, this is also done for the customer's budgetary planning and to make sure the contractor delivers on time and their product is acceptable. I do not believe the US cut into F-35A (USAF version) orders for Israel.
I know that LM is rapidly upgrading its factory in Mielec for F16 th assembly - sure they stated that initiially it will be just "front, middle and aft part of fuselage" :D - PW factory in Rzeszow has been already tooled for F100-220 assembly - i bet that LM plan is transfer most of the F16 program to Poland just to let focus their US assembly lines on F35 program
And when they make that transfer, do you think LMCO will just plop down tooling and parts and F-16s will start rolling down the assembly line? Tooling has to be manufactured, set up and inspected, you have to train people on how to manufacture the aircraft and as mentioned a learning curve before viable assets can be delivered in a timely manner. We're still looking at months if everything goes perfectly.

I worked on/ around several production lines (P-3, L1011, F-117A and the B-2) and it takes time to not only set things up properly, but to train people and to have a supply chain up and running to supply the production line. Even at the end of the P-3 production, we were still running into part shortages on long lead time items because of variations of the production flow, and that aircraft produced over 30 years!

IDK, the pics show a much longer convoy.

Poland already did payed two tranches for F35 - US did it couple of times for Israel why not for Poland?
The only time I'm aware of production line aircraft being diverted to Israel was during the Yom Kippur War and they received F-4s. At that time the F-4 was being produced by the hundreds for several years, the production line was mature and McDonnel Douglas had a huge, highly trained work force. You also did not have special avionics, built in sensors or RAM composites to deal with so this made a transfer very easy.

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