"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Anything of interest going on near Taiwan?

Looks like Biden is telling the Chinese, "We know what you're thinking. But we're not that distracted by Ukraine, so don't even think about it."
Another political development...Switzerland has decided to adopt all the EU sanctions against Russia. This tidbit from the BBC:

After some soul-searching, neutral Switzerland will adopt all EU sanctions against Russia.

There will be no exceptions: five oligarchs have already been banned from entering Switzerland, the bank accounts of all 336 people on the EU's list, including Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov, will be frozen with immediate effect.

Swiss banks are believed to hold billions of dollars in Russian funds.

The country's air space is closed to Russian aircraft, while Swiss airlines have cancelled their flights to Russia.

Make no mistake, this is a huge step for Switzerland, which has often agonised over what being neutral actually means.

Today Swiss President Ignazio Cassis made it clear: the attack on Ukraine was an unacceptable attack on freedom and democracy, "playing into the hands of aggression is not neutral", neither is standing by while the Geneva Conventions, which Switzerland is home to, are "trampled underfoot".
Another political development...Switzerland has decided to adopt all the EU sanctions against Russia. This tidbit from the BBC:
Goodness. Is there any western democracy not yet on board? How about Latin America? We know Brazil's leader is a fan of Putin.

Another political development...Switzerland has decided to adopt all the EU sanctions against Russia. This tidbit from the BBC:

After some soul-searching, neutral Switzerland will adopt all EU sanctions against Russia.

There will be no exceptions: five oligarchs have already been banned from entering Switzerland, the bank accounts of all 336 people on the EU's list, including Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov, will be frozen with immediate effect.

Swiss banks are believed to hold billions of dollars in Russian funds.

The country's air space is closed to Russian aircraft, while Swiss airlines have cancelled their flights to Russia.

Make no mistake, this is a huge step for Switzerland, which has often agonised over what being neutral actually means.

Today Swiss President Ignazio Cassis made it clear: the attack on Ukraine was an unacceptable attack on freedom and democracy, "playing into the hands of aggression is not neutral", neither is standing by while the Geneva Conventions, which Switzerland is home to, are "trampled underfoot".
I think I might invest in some secluded woodland in Siberia. Methinks there may be an emerging market for "tree counters". :)
You might be able to get a good deal right now, too - considering the current financial situation, handing over a bundle of Benjamins would also earn you a medal.
Vlad's "mini-me" dictator is puffing his chest. Will ditch non-nuclear status.

Now Russian oligarchs are starting to make their voices heard...it's just a few but it's a start (again, from the BBC):

More now on the news that the Russian oligarch and owner of Chelsea FC, Roman Abramovich, has been asked by the Ukrainian government to help find a "peaceful solution" to the war in Ukraine.

Abramovich's move is a significant intervention from a member of Russia's elite. We have been keeping an eye on other oligarchs and what they have to say.

The Financial Times revealed on Sunday that Mikhail Fridman, the founder of one of Russia's largest private financial institutions, Alpha Bank, wrote to London-based staff of his private equity company LetterOne that "war can never be the answer".

Fridman, who is worth an estimated $11.7bn (£8.7bn), was born in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv and said: "I'm deeply attached to Ukrainian and Russian peoples and see the current conflict as a tragedy for them both."

Meanwhile, Oleg Deripaska, who runs the aluminium giant Rusal, took to social media to call for negotiations.

Deripaska, who has amassed a fortune of around $4bn (£2.9bn) and was once described as "Putin's favourite industrialist", wrote on Twitter that "peace is the priority".

And Oleg Tinkov, a banker estimated to be worth around $3bn (£2.2bn), took the most emphatic stance when posted a photo of his family to Instagram with the caption "we are against this war", adding that "innocent people are dying every day, this is unthinkable and unacceptable".

Forbes estimated on Thursday that 116 billionaires had already lost more than $126bn since 16 February, and Russia's richest man, Vladimir Potanin, personally lost $3bn in a single day's trading last week. Since then,
the economic picture has worsened.
Also, it seems at least some of the Snake Island defenders may still be alive:

Ukrainian soldiers who were reportedly attacked on Zmiinyi (Snake) island are still alive, according to a statement posted on Facebook by Ukraine's naval services.

"We are very happy to learn that our brothers are alive and well," the statement posted on Monday said.

The sailors "rebuked twice the attacks of the Russian invaders," but could no longer continue to protect the island, the statement continued.

Connection with the island was completely cut off and attempts to reach the sailors futile, after Russian armed forces destroyed its infrastructure, the navy said.

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