"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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It will never happen. There's something in the Russian sense of self that both holds an inferiority/siege complex and seeks a strongman. It's in their DNA.
DNA doesn't work that way. You're probably thinking of cultural evolution, which is more malleable.
Successful democratic self government requires a certain political awareness, trust in the integrity of one's fellow citizens, and skill in working the levers of power, what I call "democracy reflexes", which we've been developing for 300 years, and still haven't quite perfected. You can't fly a 747 without training and experience, and a 747 is easy to fly compared to a democracy.
Now take a people who've been manipulated and oppressed and kept ignorant throughout their history, and have consequently developed reflexes of subversion and corruption, and you're starting out trying to educate the disadvantaged if you try to foster democracy as we know it among them. Flying a 747 isn't intuitive to the uninitiated, and neither is democracy. In a world where everyone is necessarily self-interested and secretive, having faith in the integrity of one's elected leaders doesn't come naturally. Democratizing Russia is a pretty tall order.
agree, but .... Democratizing Russia is for now impossible task, this is like you have tried denazify Germany in 1940 shortly after Wehrmacht rolled through France.
agree, but .... Democratizing Russia is for now impossible task, this is like you have tried denazify Germany in 1940 shortly after Wehrmacht rolled through France.
Roger that! Democratizing Russia by external influence is impossible, and developing it indigenously highly unlikely. The reflexes just aren't there.
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A couple days ago (May 18) in Russian city Ufa, an incident occurred at a concert of the legend of rock lyrics Group DDT main soloist Yuri Shevchuk protested against the war and said next.
-And now people are being killed in Ukraine. What for?
-Our boys are dying there. What for? -What are the goals, friends?
-The youth of Russia and Ukraine is dying. Old men, women, children are dying. For the sake of some Napoleonic plans for another one of our "Caesars", right?
-Motherland, friends, this is not a president's ass which must be fondled and kissed.
- Motherland - a poor old woman selling potatoes at the station. Is this Motherland.

After this concert, the police approached Yuri, but did not dare to arrest him. Just informed him that tension (will be) revealed against him. After this concert, there is an interview with him where he said that his concerts are already canceled and he was fined.

Rock Star Charged In Russia Over Anti-Putin Speech During Concert: Report

This guy is a demigod in the post-Soviet countries. He is a post-Soviet Russian rock legend - lyrics that hurt deeply, lyrics that make you feel, music can make grown men cry. As an example, the scale of its popular in the former USSR countries can be compared with popular Metallica in the USA. His father is from Ukraine, his mother is from Bashkortostan.

Since the beginning of the war, there have been cases that his concerts were canceled due to the fact that he did not want to perform with the "Z" symbol. Also, a month ago in concert in Voronezh, he arranged a poll among his public about who supported the war more or who was against the war, judging by the reaction of the audience more who is against, at the end of the video he ironically says that not everything iso bad.

In 2010 there was a meeting of putin with artists (musicians etc.). Shevchuk had long conversation and argue with putin on democracy, freedom of speech, liberalisation etc. The interview begins with Shevchuk saying that an your assistant called a couple of days ago and told Shevchuk not to ask Putin sharp questions, to which Putin replied that this was a provocation.

2017 Moscow full stadium

Sorry if something is not clear, used translator.
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Right, but remember, before 244 years ago, no one alive had any experience operating a true democracy. It will not be easy, you're right, but it's been done before and it can be done again.

Here's hoping the brotha can wield the power of rock'n'roll -- or at least get out of Russia safely.
Can we start them out on the Ercoupe of democracy?
Right, but remember, before 244 years ago, no one alive had any experience operating a true democracy. It will not be easy, you're right, but it's been done before and it can be done
That is the main reason why immigrants from Europe (aside maybe from Switzerland) migrated to the USA - to flee injustice and persecution since they were all ruled by monarchies and their respective laws. Becoming a USA that is partially governed by fist-right, right&wrong determined by power of $, and a pure capitalism that wasn't significantly countered by any sort of socialism from the 19th century onward.
Resulting into a huge mass of "underprivileged", lowly educated and socially unbalanced citizens contra those with $, or $ and education.
As long as a democracy doesn't behold a certain portion of social awareness, social obligation and a respectable/balanced social culture, it is a dysfunctional democracy - only expressed in regards to "individual freedom" which basically beholds a contempt or disregard towards it's own laws and a lack of respect towards others rights and belongings.

Needless to say that an autocratic system lacking social values is even worse.

President Biden has signed into law a far-reaching aid package for Ukraine that will provide $40 billion in security, humanitarian and economic assistance for the country as it battles the Russian war over the coming months.

The White House said in a release on Saturday that Biden signed the measure while abroad in Asia. The Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass it on Thursday.

The package brings the total U.S. assistance Congress has approved for Ukraine this year to nearly $54 billion to help the country battle a Russian onslaught that began on Feb. 24.

The president had asked Congress at the end of April to authorize an additional $33 billion for Ukraine as he exhausted the drawdown authority from the last bill passed in March. The figure lawmakers ultimately landed on was higher.


The legislation allows Biden to transfer $11 billion in weapons to Ukraine and provides $9 billion to replenish depleted U.S. weapons stockpiles. It also provides roughly $8.8 billion to support operations of Ukraine's government and combat human trafficking, $5 billion in global food assistance, $4.35 billion in international disaster aid and $900 million to support refugees.

I don't understand the language but I like the music. Great performer.
Revolution often starts with a voice or/and a sound. Hope the voices can be a fire starter again.
I know what you mean, but for a country like Russia the last thing I wish for is a revolution.
It requires a progress towards a democratic process, that IMO will require at least 2-3 generations. And then it will still likely to be more of a "controlled democracy" e.g. like
Too many very very rich men. No hope of. It will take a year or 2 or more but it will happen. Look at how the population piramide is in russia. The young will in the end revolt. It is them who are dieing in ditches in an unjust war and getting blown to pieces. It needs a spark, but that is coming i believe. You can drive Russians just that far.

Further then most people but there is an end. Look at the recent history.

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