"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (9 Viewers)

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That is 100% exactly the problem, and a very scary one at that.

There is no endgame here that is good for him. He loses no matter what.

1. Even if he wins this war it will only bog the Russians down in a decades long insurgency. How long can he sustain that with Russia's sons continually being sent home in body bags?

2. He can't push further west. That leads to war with NATO. We all know how that will end.

3. He can't quit and go home. It will make him look weak and he will not allow himself to lose face.

So what does he have to lose? What choice does he have?

Let's hope the Russians take matters into their own hands.
It's June 1914 all over again, the Serbs are threatening to mobilize.

He's just making noise - note that there are elections?
after this speach serbians may be sure that their accession request papers will be lost in Brussel's dungeons for pretty much forever.
From Reuters:

The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to reprimand Russia over its invasion of Ukraine and demanded that Moscow stop fighting and withdraw its military forces, an action that aims to diplomatically isolate Russia at the world body.

The resolution, supported by 141 of the assembly's 193 members, ended a rare emergency session called by the U.N. Security Council and as Ukrainian forces battled on in the port of Kherson in the face of air strikes and a devastating bombardment that forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee.

The text of the resolution "deplores" Russia's "aggression against Ukraine." The last time Security Council convened an emergency session of the General Assembly was in 1982, according to U.N. website.

Thirty-five members including China abstained and five countries including Russia, Syria and Belarus voted against the resolution. While General Assembly resolutions are non-binding, they carry political weight.

It says a lot about the character of the 35 countries that abstained and five that voted against the resolution. Not surprised, but it says a lot.

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