"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (35 Viewers)

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This is defeatist talk! You look ill. Perhaps a short stay in a very tall hospital will do you good.
Of course there is, but in the scheme of things it doesn't diminish what happened, which is really the point.

Of course not. I'm 1/8 Blackfoot native, and very ignorant of that side of my heritage, precisely because of those "internal issues" which saw that part extirpated. I'm not trying to diminish any suffering, just trying to point out that on a diplomatic level what happens inside borders is very different than what happens across borders.

It's only recently that the UN has started focusing on the plight of the Uighurs, for instance. And who sent troops to Rwanda? That's right, no one. Rohingya? I'm not diminishing anything.

I'd be willing to bet replacing 2000 crews is harder than replacing 2000 tanks. Granted many of those crewmen survived, but all the same ... buncha dead specialists, plus you've lost significant unit cohesion if crews are being cobbled together -- that could be a hard hump to march. Those tanks won't go anywhere without crew, and that is the big Russian loss in my mind.

Who will train the replacements?

But you're right: sanctions will significantly retard the ability of the Russian military to reconstitute after this fiasco. It'll be left to Vlad's successor to sort it out.
To be fair, this is according to Ukrainian estimates.

Only 1000 have been visually confirmed Attack On Europe: Documenting Russian Equipment Losses During The 2022 Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

so the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Anyway, even if its only 1500, replacing them will be almost as difficult.
Russia had close to 900 T80 and T90 tanks in service a few months ago.

About 3000 T80 are in storage and yet to be upgraded to the latest model with 200 T90 or more in storage as well.

The problem with artillery, tanks, AA launchers and so on is Russia has to have a decent amount in reserve to cover other
possibilities for conflict such as the borders with Finland and Poland among others. This will run things fairly thin as production
is being strangled and doesn't seem to have been very efficient for some time anyway.
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