"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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War is always political. They are started by politicians with political goals. The decision to resist or capitulate is a political one. Non-combatant nations make political decisions about support or non-support of the combatants. And the effects of war have political ramifications far beyond the battlefield.

Yes it is, but we don't want the finger pointing rhetoric that is dividing people and causing the hate and problems.

There are other places for that. I'm sure you would like Truth Social for example (just assuming).

So, lets not ruin this. Not hard to understand.
Just to highlight where this is all coming from:

A conspiracy theory pushing, radical right-wing extremist and pro-Russian group banned in multiple places. I don't think there is a place for them here.
What would have caused this crash? Air disturbance from the surviving aircraft?

It's called "wake turbulence." In a two ship take off of the same aircraft, very doubtful and it doesn't look like he was even in a position to pick up any wake turbulence. I watched this several times and it seems the aircraft that crashed pitched up momentarily and then lowered his nose before turning crosswind. We can speculate all day but there seems to be no obvious reason for this from what I've seen.
I read them all - or most. Guadian, Epoch Times, NYT, RT, AntiWar, Washingon Examiner, Gateway Pundit, etc,etc.

What I find disturbing is that a.) they can't ALL be right, b.) sunshine and unicorns for 'our side' turns into spin to explain what goes wrong.

Equally disturbing is that media centers are cheerleading or supporting one side based on facts, opinions based on facts, opinions with no facts and just raw unalduterated Pravda type BS. Most media outlets in our country have abandoned great investigative journalism.

To Be Clear - I do not in any way support Putin. That said, my cherry regading pristine and pure Ukraine was popped a very long time ago.

I do have some insight to the weapons we (and NATO) ar supplying Ukraine. I also understand that I and all other taxpayers are paying for Raytheon, Boeing, etc. with no real debate while we drain our own 'go to war' inventory as if there are no threats on the horizon, and we have infnite time and resources to spool up.

Chris - I will stand down in respect of 'no politics' - but what we are seeing unfold is ALL politics - defined as the acquisition and control of power.

The 'explosion' in my opinion is coming - whether nuclear war, or at least use thereof for limited purposes - or hunger and rage by the People over the over-reach of their respective governments.

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