"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Re: The Su-25 pilots may not have the aviating skill level for combat. The MiG-25 pilot who defected to Japan said in his book they were lucky to get 10 hours per month in harvest season as the pilots were used to drive the tractors.

But they will have the basic skills for basic tactical maneuvers like flying in formation and doing multi-ship take offs. If this was a simple IFE, he "should have" had the training to address the situation.

It looked to me like the wingman was sloppy in his formation flying. He got "sucked" in the turn, then steepened and closed too fast on lead, trying to duck under to avoid collision, perhaps with "boards out" and throttles snatched back, placing him slow and dirty in lead's right wingtip vortice, whereupon he slid left through the lead's jet blast, flaming out one or both engines. Low, slow, and dirty, high AoA and sudden thrust reduction, tends to invite a gravity takeover. He already was sliding and rolling left, so the resulting stall was asymmetric.
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According to the British MOD the Russian 1st Guards Tank Army, the most prestigious Unit in Russia has been severely degraded.

The 1st Guards Tank Army, of the Western Military District, will require "years" to rebuild its capability as the main unit designed to defend Moscow and lead counter-attacks in the case of war with Nato, Britain's Ministry of Defence said on Tuesday.

In its daily intelligence briefing, the MoD said: "Elements of the Russian forces withdrawn from Kharkiv Oblast over the last week were from the 1st Guards Tank Army (1 GTA), which are subordinate to the Western Military District (WEMD).

"1 GTA suffered heavy casualties in the initial phase of the invasion and had not been fully reconstituted prior to the Ukrainian counter-offensive in Kharkiv."

If units such as this have been so badly handled, I doubt that Putin can do much. Any replacements will not be close to as well trained and equipped, while the Ukraine will be substantially strengthened as they further integrate their modern western equipment

His only chance is to defend for the next six months and try to rebuild his units.
I suspect one 'chance' is to suspend all energy products to NATO countries and bring the economies to brink of disaster. Continue shutting down Ukraine energy Grid to zero. Hold existing eastern and southern ports of entry and continue strangling logistics for war materials, food and medicine.

Losing key assets is damaging to the offensive, no doubt - but recall that Russia has not declared War or mobilized yet. Ukraine can not trade troop losses.

Everybody hopes this will remain conventional, but -
I was thinking the same thing.
I buy some of this, I doubt both engines would flame out though. If he did not have structural failure, it's apparent he over banked and spun in. Even if he got into the lead's wake turbulence, it should have not tossed him around to an extent where he couldn't control the aircraft (Su25 T/O weight should be about 40,000 pounds so we're not talking small aircraft here).

There does seem to be something coming off the left wing. The Su25 does have speedbrakes at the wing tip IIRC. I'm wondering if that's the point of failure

The only other thing to took at is if he shelled an engine (compressor or turbine blew) and that resulted in taking out flight controls. I know these aircraft have a lot of armor around the engines to prevent this, but you can always have that one piece of engine shrapnel that got lucky.
More on the Russian morale in Kherson (and hypotetical surrender)

Wikipedia editors are already upgrading 1 GTA entry

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Maybe some loose nose armour altering the CoG Kobra-like?

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