"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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So the operation to "denazify" Ukraine is derussofying instead? What a shame.
And please let the moderators make that determination! Now lets move on!!

Correct! For the sake of peace on the forum at the very least.

However, the site is a well known source of conspiracy theory "fake news." However, I think people should decide for themselves if they wish to read it. We should discuss all that further in the admin section though.

I would hope, however, that such sources being posted are limited by the posters personal choice (and that is just my personal opinion).
I remember thinking of acquiring one a few years back. When I saw a picture of a Russian with one, I thought it had to be sniper.
The list of wars the M91 has been in, is ridiculously long (literally from the late 1890's to the present war in Ukraine).

The modern sniper version was converted from original rifles to the OTs-48 model about 20 years ago.

As an aside, I met a guy from Missouri years ago, who called his M91 a "mossy nugget".
I asked him if he meant Mosin Nagant and he said "yep, mossy nugget".
A good summary of the "informed speculation" here:The Drive: SU-25 crash may point to wider issues.
It appears it was at an airfield in Russia, rather than Crimea.
I wonder how accurate this is vs. propaganda. But 100 tanks does not replace the two thousand lost.
Interesting bit of info.

Recent US/NATO COMINT indicates some of the Russian forces in the Kherson area are concerned that they 'may have to get rid of the Chechens'.

Yep...that's another flaw in Putin's use of mercenary-like forces (IMHO, the Chechens definitely fall into that category). There's zero love lost between the Chechens and native Russians. Too much history and no willingness on either side to forgive and forget.

I always thought that throwing Chechens into the fight would do more harm than good for Russia. Seems like I may have been right all along.

What's the source for that info? Do you have a linky?

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