"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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There's some video of DPR troops arguing with a higher officer and telling him that they won't fight, their officers are thieves, etc.
That's the gist here.

I've seen some reports of Russian forces in Ukraine mutinying (Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Express). Does anybody think that a) these are reliable and b), if reliable, does this make Putin more likely to escalate?

Without confirmation from a source with reporters on the ground locally (AP and Reuters both have them on the Ukrainian side, but not Russian), I'd withhold my judgement.

If they are indeed correct, I don't know that Putin can escalate aside from nukes, because instituting widespread conscription is widely regarded as potentially dangerous to his regime's stability.
The Sun is a sensationalist media and claim came from a Russian Telegram channel. Take this info with a grain a salt.

Interesting article about russian long range aviation in the war so far:

I've read several pieces about their use thus far. I had not idea that they weren't fitted out for free-fall bombs -- but later in the same article it implies they are. Thinking back, the articles I read mentioned only doing cruise-missile launches from well behind the lines.

But yeah, I've read of -22s and -160s being involved. Didn't know Bears were operating too. Thanks for the read.
The Sun is a sensationalist media and claim came from a Russian Telegram channel. Take this info with a grain a salt.

The mealy-mouthed language screams "horseshit!" Tabloid crap, needs a spoonful and not a grain.
The Sun is the British version of The National Enquirer here in the USA. Believe them and you'll eat feces because they claim that it regrows hair.
I've read several pieces about their use thus far. I had not idea that they weren't fitted out for free-fall bombs -- but later in the same article it implies they are. Thinking back, the articles I read mentioned only doing cruise-missile launches from well behind the lines.
The Tu-95&Tu-160 lack the capability of dropping free fall bombs but the Tu-22 could do it.

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