"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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There is a YouTube video from the AlternateHistoryHub. It is entitled "Did Nato Really "Betray" Russia?" It came out in March so it might be dated. It discusses, in a lighthearted way, NATO expansion. It covers some of the topics raised. I would love to link it but, you know. I would enjoy feedback on it since there is a lot of real knowledge and insight from the Forum members here. Some of you guys might also get a kick out of it.
The basic concept of NATO "betraying" Russia is nonsensical, as NATO does not have nor did it ever have a position of loyalty or fealty to Russia. It may have been seen as a threat to Russia, but neither Russia nor the USSR have a history of playing nice with neighbors.
..and that's what the video states.
He agrees with you.

Indoctrination and propaganda seems to be common theme everywhere my friend. It's not limited to Russia.

How many unfulfilled threats will be made before folks shrug their shoulders and go "Yeah, riiiight"? Mind you, that number's already been surpassed for my money.

I liked Biden's statement yesterday warning against escalation to WMDs.

I've said for a long time that this war is winnable for Ukraine. This offensive has shown that, as well; it has shown that the Ukrainian Army can dish it out as well as take it.

I don't, however, think it means the war will end any time soon. I think the best result from this Russian defeat is that Ukraine will be able to survive the winter solidly and hopefully launch a spring offensive to split the remaining Russian forces with a drive to the southern coast. Even then the Russians will have time to regroup and retrain over the winter, if this pans out.

Even after that, destroying the pockets will take time and blood -- and that's only if that hypothetical offensive is successful.

This war will continue, sadly, for quite some time, barring a major disaster on either side.
About winter...
Some of the major battles in the early phase of this war (which began in 2014), took place during the winter of 2014-2015.
Last winter was not very quiet either.

It wasn't good for this last year's offensive, though. It was mild and there was still much mud, one thing that hampered the Russian drive on Kyiv, for example.

If there's a hard freeze lasting some time, sure, decent running. But I'm not sure how well military plans play with dicey weather forecasts.

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