"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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And now to return to the true topic at hand…

Here's a reason to keep fighting. Here's a reason to support Ukraine. Here's a reason Vladoph Putler and Russia must be stopped.

If the US refuses to release F-16s or other country's jets that rely on US tech, like the Gripen, what options does Ukraine have? How about the Eurofighter, are they free of US tech, but are there any to spare?

I get the sense that Ukraine will get what it needs to hold back to Russians, but not enough to take the well defended and prepared Donbas.

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If the US refuses to release F-16s or other country's jets that rely on US tech, like the Gripen, what options does Ukraine have? How about the Eurofighter, are they free of US tech, but are there any to spare?

I get the sense that Ukraine will get what it needs to hold back to Russians, but not enough to take the well defended and prepared Donbas.

You have to remember, everything has to benefit everyone's own national interest. I think most countries don't see their latest technologies being jeopardized and compromised as best for their national interest. Neither does degrading their own capabilities and war fighting ability by giving away too much hardware. I may be wrong, but I see that as playing a significant part in what equipment is provided and what isn't. Nobody wants to see Czar Vladolph Putler the Great succeed (well most people that is), however, they have to balance strategy and national interest (and national interest is a strategy in itself).
Of course, Russian forces will make a stand, they have to at some point. Their Commanders are feeling heat from Putler the Magnificent, so they have to try.
I suspect, however, that while Ukrainian forces keep pressure in that point, they'll launch an offensive from another sector to put the Russians off balance.
These discoveries of atrocities infuriates me to no end.

How does does inflicting misery and terror to a civilian populace help an invasion?

Hitler made this mistake in 1941, when he rolled into Ukraine - the Wehrmacht was received as liberators and showered with flowers and celebrations. The people were ready to join in the fight against the Red Army and that quickly changed.

How can the Russians justify anything they've done - murdering civilians in the street, targeting schools and hospitals, torture, rape and more.

They are nothing more than a 21st century version of the Nazi assholes that they are supposedly there to eliminate.
Hey anybody interested in the whys and wherefores of NATO.

The link below is IMO to a good explanation of the formation of NATO from a historical perspective.

"Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian."

Note that the US was the primary instigator of NATO. Also note the reasons why the US pushed for the organization, and the parallels between what was happening then and what is happening now.
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Chris - we may expend $trillion, draw down our readiness inventory to fight One conventional win, suffer the inflation that comes with unconstrained spending that requires the Fed to print money. Explain to our (US/American People in the steets/ the 'win'? or conversely 'why it doesn't matter'?

The inflation we're suffering currently has nothing to do with any additional money being printed as a result of this war or our assistance.

Now can you please drop the goddamned politics before this thread gets killed? If you wish to discuss it with someone, use the PM system instead of wrecking what many in this community appreciate.

It's almost as if you guys are trying to scupper this thread, fer chrissakes.
Russian forces continue to conduct meaningless offensive operations around Donetsk City and Bakhmut instead of focusing on defending against Ukrainian counteroffensives that continue to advance.

Russian failures to rush large-scale reinforcements to eastern Kharkiv and to Luhansk Oblasts leave most of Russian-occupied northeastern Ukraine highly vulnerable to continuing Ukrainian counter-offensives.

Ukrainian forces appear to be expanding positions east of the Oskil River and north of the Siverskyi Donets River that could allow them to envelop Russian troops holding around Lyman.

Ukrainian sources reported extensive partisan attacks on Russian military assets and logistics in southern Zaporizhia Oblast.

And now to return to the true topic at hand…

Here's a reason to keep fighting. Here's a reason to support Ukraine. Here's a reason Vladoph Putler and Russia must be stopped.

I'd like to see more info about the mass grave. The images that I've seen show lots of neatly-aligned crosses over individual burial plots which doesn't really tally with what we typically see in a hidden mass grave. Now, Ukrainians who knew relatives had been killed may have come to the place later to mark the burial site...but they'd have to know where their loved one was buried. I'm still a little nonplussed by the individual graves and crosses.
I'd like to see more info about the mass grave. The images that I've seen show lots of neatly-aligned crosses over individual burial plots which doesn't really tally with what we typically see in a hidden mass grave. Now, Ukrainians who knew relatives had been killed may have come to the place later to mark the burial site...but they'd have to know where their loved one was buried. I'm still a little nonplussed by the individual graves and crosses.
It's possible the families of the dead were the ones who had to bury them ?
It's possible the families of the dead were the ones who had to bury them ?

I agree...but, then, it's hardly a secret burial site. And if the families buried them, would they do it with the evidence of torture intact? The BBC reported that the first grave was of a woman who had a rope around her neck. It strikes me as odd that the family would bury her in such a fashion. Also, why would the Russians allow family members to bury their relatives with evidence of torture intact?

The commonly-understood concept of a mass grave is of a large pit with bodies tossed in en masse. There are no grave markers and, typically, the perpetrators try to keep the location secret so their crimes go undetected.

This whole thing just feels odd to me. Hopefully, there will be procedurally-correct investigations to get to the bottom of it.

EDIT: Having read a little more, I think we're seeing multiple activities here. There was at least one mass grave that contained 20 Ukrainian soldiers. Other graves are individual, probably the deaths of civilians due to artillery or other weapons. It still seems odd that the mass grave of soldiers would be in the same place as individual family burials but it's a little clearer and more understandable now.
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I agree...but, then, it's hardly a secret burial site. And if the families buried them, would they do it with the evidence of torture intact? The BBC reported that the first grave was of a woman who had a rope around her neck. It strikes me as odd that the family would bury her in such a fashion. Also, why would the Russians allow family members to bury their relatives with evidence of torture intact?

The whole thing just seems odd to me. The commonly-understood concept of a mass grave is of a large pit with bodies tossed in en masse. There are no grave markers and, typically, the perpetrators try to keep the location secret so their crimes go undetected.

This whole thing just feels odd to me. Hopefully, there will be procedurally-correct investigations to get to the bottom of it.

EDIT: Having read a little more, I think we're seeing multiple activities here. There was at least one mass grave that contained 20 Ukrainian soldiers. Other graves are individual, probably the deaths of civilians due to artillery or other weapons. It still seems odd that the mass grave of soldiers would be in the same place as individual family burials but it's a little clearer and more understandable now.
Hard to know isn't it. Reporting can sometimes exaggerate what is what so we will have to wait and see I suppose.

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