"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Or how about useless, Putler-worshipping Viktor Orban and his Magyar horde?
They got their butts kicked by Russkiy Mir in 1957 and have little appetite for a rematch.
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The weird thing is I knew where the Dnipro is before I looked at the map. Am I the only one who now knows Ukraine better than their own state?
Heck, your own state is bigger than some countries. Try driving from Montauk to Angola someday (with a stop in Massena). We sure have had a lesson in Ukrainian
geography, though. As we have in Vietnam, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, and assorted other garden spots too numerous to mention. World geography, one battlefield at a time.
About Kherson

To follow up on this, from ISW's webpage:

Russian forces are likely attempting to conduct a more deliberate and controlled withdrawal in western Kherson Oblast to avoid the chaotic flight that characterized the collapse of Russian defensive positions in Kharkiv Oblast earlier this month. The Russians have heavily reinforced western Kherson Oblast over the past several months including with airborne units and at least some elements of the 1st Guards Tank Army.[11] These ostensibly more professional and well-trained and equipped units are concentrated in a small area in Kherson Oblast and were prepared for the expected counteroffensive. They appear to be performing significantly better than Russian forces in Kharkiv Oblast. The Ukrainians destroyed a number of units of the 1st Guards Tank Army in Kharkiv Oblast, putting them to flight and capturing large amounts of high-quality equipment. The worse performance of professional Russian soldiers in Kharkiv Oblast compared with those in Kherson Oblast may be due to the thinner concentration of Russian forces in Kharkiv Oblast as well as the fact that the Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kharkiv Oblast appeared to surprise the Russian defenders.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kherson Oblast is nevertheless making progress, and Russian forces appear to be attempting to slow it and fall back to more defensible positions rather than stop it cold or reverse it. Continuous Ukrainian attacks on Russian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) across the Dnipro River to western Kherson Oblast appear to be having increasing effects on Russian supplies on the right bank—recent reports indicate shortages of food and water in Russian-occupied Kherson City and at least a temporary slackening of Russian artillery fire. Poor-quality proxy units have collapsed in some sectors of the Russian front lines, moreover, allowing Ukrainian advances. Ukrainian forces remain likely to regain much if not all of western Kherson Oblast in the coming weeks if they continue to interdict Russian GLOCs and press their advance. Ukrainian gains may continue to be slow if the Russian troops can retain their coherence but could also accelerate significantly if Russian forces begin to break.

The RCH 155 are bought from the german defense industry. Just today it was announced that germany would send four more Panzerhaubitze 2000 to Ukraine, taken from Bundeswehr stocks.

Yeah, name me a private company in the defense industry anywhere in the world that will "donate" military equipment for free. Military equipment is built for profit, not out of the kindness of their hearts.

Any equipment that is donated is from a country's military stock.

Maybe the Maple Head's defense industry company's should start building tanks for Ukraine for free and show everyone how its done.
Yeah, name me a private company in the defense industry anywhere in the world that will "donate" military equipment for free.
I doubt you'll fine one, not any that wants to stay in business for long. But the above is the first article reporting that Ukraine is being sold lethal aid rather than having it donated by the manufacturer's government. Of course that government must then pay the manufacturer elsewise it will founder, but that's different than waiting for a COD from Kyiv.

Yes, and you will not find much for new equipment being donated. Almost everything has been old military stocks. Not many governments are going purchase new equipment and donate it when they can fill their own stocks with the latest and greatest.
There have been a number of private companies that have donated equipment to the Ukrainians. Baykar donated 3 drones and turned down crowdfunding money for them. Both Remington and Ammo Inc each donated a millions rounds of ammo. I remember some manufacturer was donating body armor, but I don't recall their name.

And it's entirely possible that given the chronic underfunding of the Bundeswehr, it may well be that they don't have stocks for donation.

I'm not a big fan of recriminations between Allies. I wish the Germans could and would provide more, but if they can't, they can't. Their rethinking of their energy situation is also a sacrifice, being made by the German population as a whole, which while being in the economic sphere, will still pay dividends.

And as I mentioned upthread, the Gepards which escorted the Ukrainian offensive forces helped to restrict the Russian air force in its attempts to slow the roll.

We're all working together, let's keep it on that plane.

Yes, but these companies are far and few between. Profit over anything else. Capitalism 101.
We're all working together, let's keep it on that plane.

Agreed 100%.

Having said that, I do wish the Germans would do more. I'm skeptical of good ole Olaf's intent and take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Having said that there are many countries that could step up more. If they can that is. Not every country has a defense budget or GDP the size of the US.

(Statista data updated September 8, 2022)
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