"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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this are Ukrainians data - but so far they have been pretty credible - almost 1000 KIA in one day.... probably highest number reported since beginning - information blockade over Ukrainian's progresses seems to be pretty tight... Polish war correspondents are pretty tight lip right now except some announcements that situation is better than officially reported and watch for good news soon...
The friendly blogger reminded me about one historical event that happened exactly 108 years before the yesterday
s USV's attack in Sevastopol. It was dubbed Sevastopolskaya pobudka - which can be translated as "Sevastopol's wake-up call".
Russian article has a more detailed description of the operation, in particular, of the raid in Odessa where two Turkish destroyers entered Odessa harbour without almost any resistance and stayed there for more than an hour.

"Olympic Tank Turret Tossing Championship" current standings

AFU tanks have the same flaw. I suppose the T-62 and M-55S do not have the exposed carousel. The latter actually looks impressive, for its age, and the updates listed here are impressive. I wonder if the reverse speed is the same abysmal 4 mph of other Soviet-origin designs.


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Don't you all love this parte of the article?

"Admiral Kazimir Ketlinski assured the foreign minister that the Black Sea Fleet was "completely ready" for action"

The friendly blogger reminded me about one historical event that happened exactly 108 years before the yesterday
s USV's attack in Sevastopol. It was dubbed Sevastopolskaya pobudka - which can be translated as "Sevastopol's wake-up call".
Russian article has a more detailed description of the operation, in particular, of the raid in Odessa where two Turkish destroyers entered Odessa harbour without almost any resistance and stayed there for more than an hour.
I'm betting this presages a drive to either cut off Kherson directly via the east bank of the Dneiper, or perhaps mount a drive to the Azov coastline through Melitopol. In either event, damaging the Russian capability to provide naval fire support in defense could be the aim.
I'm betting this presages a drive to either cut off Kherson directly via the east bank of the Dneiper, or perhaps mount a drive to the Azov coastline through Melitopol. In either event, damaging the Russian capability to provide naval fire support in defense could be the aim.
I'm thinking the battle for Kherson may go on for four to six months, at least until the 2023 spring muds have dried. If Russia loses Kherson they'll likely lose Crimea, as it's just down the road.
I'm thinking the battle for Kherson may go on for four to six months, at least until the 2023 spring muds have dried. If Russia loses Kherson they'll likely lose Crimea, as it's just down the road.

Possible, for sure. It's got to be sloggy going there right now, but if the Ukrainians can control the road-net they may wish to pinch off the southern front sooner. A risky calculus no matter how we look at it.

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