"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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  • Poor leadership
  • Poor training
  • Conscripts who don't want to be there
  • Poor tactics
  • No tactical awareness
  • Just winging it

I'm sure we could all create a thread and simply take turns adding to the list.
There must be right-leaning Germans today thinking that if their grandparents had only encountered these sort of Russians they'd be across the Caucasus by spring 1942.
What's with Russian tankers just driving around seemingly aimlessly, and without infantry support?

That has been a Russian problem since the beginning of this invasion. Leadership is not enforcing doctrinal principles in the field, probably because they're under such pressure to produce results that they can't or won't wait to ensure healthy combined-arms activity.

It's hard to tell if their use of tanks is aimless, or a response to the exigencies of the battlefield, from a video. But it's easy to see that whatever the reason, they are certainly forgetting that tanks aren't made of kryptonite, and need infantry screens so long as they're in close terrain.

Then, too, after all the losses of IFVs/APCs, they may simply have a shortage of equipment to keep the infantry in step with their armor, and are deciding to hit with what they have.

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