"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I always thought (and most in this forum I presume) that the best strategy against Putin's agression was to confront him, stay firm, and make no concessions.

That may work in this case, but it's also failed, as in both North Korea and Iran's current nuclear programs and the older ones on India and Pakistan. In real life, bullies don't always back down when confronted.
WASHINGTON, Nov 4 (Reuters) - A train crossed from North Korea into Russia on Friday, two days after the United States said it had information indicating Pyongyang is covertly supplying Russia with artillery shells for its war in Ukraine, a Washington think tank said, citing commercial satellite imagery.

The 38 North project, which monitors North Korean developments, said it was the first time such a train movement had been observed on the route in several years, although Russia's veterinary service reported on Wednesday that a train had crossed the border into North Korea carrying horses.

"It is impossible to determine the purpose of the train from the imagery, but the crossing comes amid reports of arms sales from North Korea to Russia and a general expectation of the resumption of trade between the two countries," 38 North said.

..I said this when it started = most wars are contained with no clear winner or loser...,,this one has been contained [ so far ] .....appears the Russians are losing a lot of men, equipment, etc .....but what are the objectives?
..if I may use the Korean War for an example: [ if not, please advise ]
many people think the Korean War was a stalemate..but objectives were completed:
1. the US, UN did complete the UN resolution's objective of removing the NKs from the South
--but the UN took massive defeats-lost a lot of men,etc
2. China did complete the objective of keeping the UN off its border, etc and away from the power plants --but also took massive defeats
3. South Korea kept its sovereignty
4. NK got walloped and totally failed
-so, the example shows no clear winners-losers....war and politics more complicated than many think
.....but what are the objectives?
That's pretty clear.
Russia - Russify Ukrainian people, erase their national identity, and turn them into a vassal buffer state.
Ukraine - Eject all invaders and their aiders-and-abetters from within historical (pre-2014) territory of Ukraine, and pursue a western style democratic state with a distinctive Ukrainian culture.
Can anybody go there and shoot at North Korean officials? I don't want to be a traitor but that would be a great way for Beloved Dumpling to bring in hard (not roubles) currency.
Hershey tastes better.


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