"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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Included to point out that things don't always go Ukraine's way...unfortunately. Not supporting the comment re Leopards though:

View: https://twitter.com/MapsUkraine/status/1627001840268083203
I think its worth noting that in both of those cases the crew compartment seems to have stayed pretty intact and anyone in them had a chance of surviving.

Also worth remembering that they have been in the front line for a while and it has taken Russia some time to find any wreckage.
Approaching the anniversary of this thread, I have to make you guys a compliment.
When we started this thread as an experiment, I expected it to not even last a week before it would blow up right in our face. But it didn't.
I think that DerAdlerIstGelandet as the most active moderator in this thread has done an amazing job all year to keep this thread on track, and most importantly, supported by some of you who actively helped this thread to not become the ugly political barfight that you usually see on the internet. Ignoring a few instances, this thread has remained civilised and respectful. I thank you all for this.

The sad thing about the anniversary of this thread is the reason it still exists, the war is still raging on and there doesn't seem to be an end soon. Let's hope we won't see the second anniversary of this thread, although I very much fear we will.

I'd rather see any offending individuals banned, rather than punish the entire readership when we've largely been quite apolitical. But it's not my decision to make.
Instead of banning, just remove the post (unless it's a recurring issue).

Many years ago, I was an admin on an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server that had (on average) tens of thousands of users logged on at any given time, globally.

With the exception of private "chat rooms", politics, profanity, sexual discussion (including innuendos) and religion were not allowed in public rooms.

Every so often, something would trigger a religious or political free-for-all, even amongst the best, most level headed members and it would take a while to cool down the room between the moderators and admins.

Typically, we'd just do a "kick" from the room with a timeout (usually a half hour) on those who were engaged in the argument.
Repeat offenders would earn a "ban" if they persisted after repeated warnings and if they challenged us, a "kill" from the server was earned.

The only thing that rivaled political or religious arguments, was the heated arguments between the international Football (Soccer for the yanks) crowd...
Guys, I think we've managed well enough this the last year, given that the threat still exists.
We can ban individuals for any given time, also only for this thread and sometimes we decide to close this thread for a limited amount of time to cool down. So we have enough tools to moderate and usually without punishing the whole board.
Only when those tools don't work at all, we'll end up closing this thread.


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