"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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My guess is that it was Biden's security detail who first when purple when they heard of the proposed trip
My guess is that it was Biden's security detail who first when purple when they heard of the proposed trip
The article mentioned the Russians were forewarned of Biden's trip so as not to overstep. I wonder how that works, how much notice? It really is amazing to see POTUS standing in an active war zone declaring support for Ukraine. Putin's inner circle has to be wondering if they've underestimated US resolve - before they're tossed out a window.

The last people to pick a naval fight with the USN were the Iranians - ended very badly for the Iranians - all hands to bathe

They were simply told that if they do anything that remotely endangers Biden's life that all hell will come down on them.

Basically they told Putin Fuck around and find out.

Kyiv is probably the safest place in the world right now.
If POTUS had been killed or injured while in Ukraine, no if's, no buts, no maybe's, a state of War would now exist between the United States and Russia.
Thou shalt not kill the President, thou shalt not kill the Commander in Chief. Technically, that's a 'Decapitation Strike' - and and that's a nuclear tripwire matter.
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Imagine waking up Kamala Harris, "uhm… morning Ma'am, you're POTUS now, are we declaring war on Russia?"

Had Biden been killed, Russia would have denied any involvement and blamed Ukrainian "terrorists". Unless Harris has definitive proof that Russia made the hit, I don't think a deeply divided US Congress would agree to declare war on a nuclear armed Russia. And what would the US war aims be? You killed our president, so we get to kill yours - and for that we're willing to risk millions of American lives?
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I think you are underestimating American resolve at that point.

Regardless of ones political leanings, there is no faster way in this world short of a direct attack on the United States that will bring the entire nation together.

While Hollywierd makes a great play in movies of a dithering weak Deputy POTUS like a rabbit in the headlamps being the person on the spot, they forget the Joint Chiefs get a vote.
POTUS is killed by a missile strike in Kyiv? A FLASH message would go out to all US military forces ordering them to the highest state o alert and to respond with deadly force to any act of aggression. Weapons Free in that situation and its Game On
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15 minute submarine launched ICBM flight time to Moscow. IIRC.
In this situation which clearly has significant risks. My expectation is that 'what if' responses hadn't already been put in place. None of them would have been good for Russia.

I still believe that there is a reason that chemical weapons haven't been used by Russia, and it isn't because of the goodness in their hearts.

The very BEST outcome for the Orsc would be us watching footage on CNN of NATO forces bombing everything orc in Ukraine into blazing scrap, and it raining cruise missiles and JSOWS on anything looking crooked at Ukraine in the surrounding border areas.

Ding, ding, ding!


Congress was deeply divided on 6 Dec 1941, too. On 8 Dec, not so much.

The nuclear dimension makes it more fraught, to be sure.

As for war aims: the crushing of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, the deposal of Putin by violence or machination, the destruction of any Russian assets involved in the hypothetical strike, and hopefully the dissolution of Russia -- but lacking that, empowering the former SSRs to take a more assertive stance towards Russian attempts at dominance.
Probably that is all they told to Russia after informing Biden was going to Kiev.

Imagine waking up Kamala Harris, "uhm… morning Ma'am, you're POTUS now, are we declaring war on Russia?"
I think it would be more like:
"uhm… morning Ma'am, you're POTUS now, we have declared war on Russia!"

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