"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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I wonder who tells Moscow? Is it the US ambassador calling up Lavarov? And then how is this conveyed to Putin so that the messenger doesn't get shot?
There were several statements that said it was the U.S. Military that informed the Kremlin.

Just who in the military hasn't been said, as well as just who in the Kremlin was contacted.

But I'm fairly sure there was no trace of diplomacy involved in the conversation.
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The interesting question would be "What plan?". Is it the denazification of Ukraine, or the demilitarisation? Is het helping the people of the Donbas? Freeing the whole people of Ukraine? All of these have been the justification of the war at certain moments over the year. But which one is the plan?
So far as I've seen, any time Russia makes that statement, it's usually made after the Ukrainians have handed the Russians their ass in a battle.

So it seems that Russia is the real-life Black Night from the Holy Grail:

"It's merely a flesh wound!" = "It's going according to plan!"
So far as I've seen, any time Russia makes that statement, it's usually made after the Ukrainians have handed the Russians their ass in a battle.

So it seems that Russia is the real-life Black Night from the Holy Grail:

"It's merely a flesh wound!" = "It's going according to plan!"
Maybe this is influenced Putins words. If even half true it is a staggering scale of losses

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