"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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His speech reminded me of Hitler in summer 44, despite Bagration all was well and working according to plan.
Putins seizure of Crimea and Donbas was like Hitlers annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia - some international protest but no real harm done.
Putins 2022 invasion was like Hitler in Poland 1939 - the world united against the agressor
Hopefully this will end like ww2 in Europe - the agressor forced into unconditional surrender (not like later in Japan which saw two A-bombs detonate)
That's probably as significant for Ukraine as the US president visit.

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In our hearts, we all know there is only ONE way this can end now.

The situation INWs is analogous to Japan's, 1944-45.
With an undefeated army in China-Manchuria of 1.25M men, the homeland being smashed to pieces from the air and starved from the sea, the nation was still, like Putin is now, unrepentant.
And so the unthinkable became the thinkable, then the doable, then the done -- twice. And the Japanese People understood that they had been UTTERLY DEFEATED, and EMBRACED DEFEAT as their Emperor God implored. And Japan was remade. Russia must undergo the same process to become compliant with modernity,

President Kishida will go to Kiev - the only G7 leader who hasn't - and the visit's symbolism will be great to China, who sees Japan rising once more -- an ally of democracy this time, thank God.

Russia needs remaking - cultural and values - 100% re-making. 100 cities and strategic centers hit at the same instant with tactical nuclear AIR BURST ERPs (??)
that fry all unhardened electronics. Stealth bombers follow soon with canisters of "persuation literature" promising the next stike in 48 hours if Putin is NOT surrendered. Re-educated Russian POWs will have a voice.

Mad -- maybe. And I know, I know, the Japanese are disciplined while Russians .. not so much so. But social values respond to the carrot-stick.
The Emperor alive and un-condemned was MacArthur's carrot.

How do you frighten to death a mad bear like Putin? You take his support habitat, his cover, away. ( STEVE ROSENBERG BBC MOSCOW SAYS "60% of Russians still support Putin).

When hearts and minds refuse to accept reality, it is time to accept that persuasion of a more forceful kind is required: Russians learning a lesson, from Japan.

Planning and concensus

After the Warsaw-Moscow split-screen Declarations of Biden and Putin yesterday, the world saw the declaration of war. Just as surely as FDR's escort of arctic convoys to Murmansk before Dec 7-41 was the reality, regardless iof Japan.

Will it be long or will it be a short war?

We will see, but there will be no Yalta nor Potsdam IMHO; the spear-point is in Poland now as it should have been, in1939.
Rambling .... good to do after 2 years
Clearly no one can rule out your scenario. However there are some significant differences today. Russian losses are huge and the ones who survive can and do talk to their families, no matter how much the authorities will try to stop it.

I think it far more likely that he is overthrown openly or quietly. A lot of powerful people have a lot to lose if the fighting continues beyond a certain point and the friction between the private armies and the official army is starting to grow. The pressure from the ordinary man and women in the street will start to build and the two together can be a powerful combination.

From a practical point of view he has lost the best of his army both in personnel and equipment. If this new assault fails, he will have little left in reserve.

This link may help
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I wouldn't call R-37 hypersonic. At least no more that the AIM-54 was.

Seems like hypersonic is the new hype for weapons.
I beleive the 3M22 and the 47M2 are the only hypervelocity (hypersonic) missiles currently in Russia's inventory, the 47M2 having been used against Ukraine so far - the 3M22 is for anti-shipping.
I beleive the 3M22 and the 47M2 are the only hypervelocity (hypersonic) missiles currently in Russia's inventory, the 47M2 having been used against Ukraine so far - the 3M22 is for anti-shipping.
The 47M2 is nothing more that an air launched ballistic missile.
Does it reach hypersonic speeds? yes of course!
Same as basically any ballistic missile. ICBMS reach mach 20+ and so did John Glenn in its first orbital flight. I think at some point Apollo 11 reached mach 30+. Yet, nobody calls them hypersonic.

3M22 on the other hand is supposed to be a hypersonic maneuvering cruise missile, which is what actually can be called hypersonic missile.
And yet I think its highly over-hyped and overrated.

Here is the X-51 Waverider that was tested by the USAF in 2010

And this is how 3M22 has been publicized. Basically same image with the B-52 pylon photo-shopped. Pure Russian propaganda.

I bet that the real 3M22 zircon looks much less glamorous and so do its real capabilities.

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