"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Retired General Jack Keane said on Wednesday that if China were to provide assistance to Russia during its invasion of Ukraine, it would could help escalate the conflict to a cold war.

"If China comes to the assistance of Russia and starts to provide them military assistance, that will be significant," Keane said on WABC and John Catsimatidis's "Cats at Night Show." "I don't believe the consequences are war with China and Russia, but it would likely push us much closer to a cold war to have China actively involved in assisting Russia."

Keane also said that the Biden administration "slow rolls" the United States' military assistance to Ukraine, noting that it may extend the war. He said that the United States is not sending advanced weapons to Ukraine "out of fear" that Russia will escalate the conflict.

"The administration slow rolls this and piecemeals it, and it actually extends the war and protract the war, and that falls into Putin's hands, because he's got more people than the Ukrainians have by a factor of three," he said.

Keane said this delay in sending weapons systems has "handcuffed" the Ukrainians and prevented them from retaking their territory.

"This administration takes a knee every time they think about providing an advanced weapon system to Ukraine out of fear that Russia will escalate and use nuclear weapons," he added. "So they've done this about nine times and Russia hasn't escalated one bit."

Russians claim the road bridge part in Kerch strait is fully repaired (although rail part takes longer to repair). What about disturbing the repairs a little.
With the new stuff the Ukrainians get into their arsenal - anything there with sufficient range and low detection?
just take out one section, wait for repairs to nearly finish then take out another section. Easier for the rather light road section but for the massive rail section you'd need heat damage or destroy a pylon to take out 2 sections

Actually the article may be wrong, if this tweet is true it seems they have already traveled back to 1954

View: https://twitter.com/GloOouD/status/1628695296552144896
Edit: Its armor is composed of homogeneous, cold rolled, welded steel, 13 mm at the front, 10 mm on the sides and top and 7 mm at the rear. While its maximum armor protects it fully against small arms fire and small artillery shell fragments, it cannot protect it against large shell fragments and .50-caliber machine gun bullets. Although its front armor might protect it against 7.62 mm small arms fire, that same fire can sometimes penetrate the sides.

I wouldn't worry about those outdated thin skinned Leo 1's. By the time they show-up in the front they will be fighting t-34's
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I will believe it when I see it:

Mind you, if they are considering options may I suggest:
  • Some Merkava Mark IV
  • Some Namer IFVs to go with above to form heavy battle group
  • Some Iron Dome batteries
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Go ahead, invest in weapons you won't be using, while your conventional forces are still bleeding and dying in droves.

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