"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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... and as toothless as a snail.
The UN has proved many times over, to be as worthless as tits on a Nun.
With all due respect, the UN has done much good over the 80 odd years since the end of WW2. The problem though is that it still has the Veto powers that are fine until one of those countries interests are directly impacted. It is certainly an improvement over the League of Nations. Eventually we will get there but so long as certain powers (and this includes all the veto holders not just the likes of the USSR/Russia) think that they should get special treatment and/or not play nice with others we will have to deal with compromises.
With all due respect, the UN has done much good over the 80 odd years since the end of WW2. The problem though is that it still has the Veto powers that are fine until one of those countries interests are directly impacted. It is certainly an improvement over the League of Nations. Eventually we will get there but so long as certain powers (and this includes all the veto holders not just the likes of the USSR/Russia) think that they should get special treatment and/or not play nice with others we will have to deal with compromises.

I'm not saying that it hasn't done much good. I'm saying that -- in the context of this conversation -- it's toothless. It showed itself toothless in the last big European war, the dissolution of Yugoslavia, as well ... until the parties themselves decided they were tired of fighting.

I agree that the Security Council veto-power is the stumbling block. It's a shame the charter didn't include a clause requiring SC nations to recuse themselves from voting on measures addressing their own operations, but I suppose that was required to get buy-in from the five original SC members.
Agreed, but someone forgot to tell the Russians. They claim to have one of the largest and most powerful air forces in the world, yet we see little of it over Ukraine. I imagine those Russian soldiers desperately fighting at Vuhledar and elsewhere are looking upwards and asking where the hell is our "famed" air force?!

If neither side is going to contest and exercise aerial superiority over the battlefield then the deciding factors will be those chaps on the ground and in the tanks, AFVs, IFVs and artillery.

Right, but F-16s can also haul ordnance around at a much faster clip than an armored column or mobile arty. Such a mission also helps protect them against long-range S-300 and -400 batteries.

Additionally, those fighters could certainly help Ukraine's energy grid. Speaking of which, I notice we haven't heard much about recent Russian missile strikes. Perhaps the predictions of Russians running out of missiles were perhaps a bit premature, but still on the right scent.
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I sincerely hope that this rant will not be taken as political. It is from the heart of someone whose people have fought long and hard to get rid of invaders and tyrants - a battle that is not over yet. I hope this is not taken in the wrong way or seen as a slam at the gentleman involved, but I feel the need to vent about something I witnessed about an hour ago on CNN. Talk about living in an alternate universe......Victor Blackwell, the anchor I was watching at the time (with one ear, I'm afraid) was beginning an interview with someone who had been in a high position with more than one president, and the first question went something like this: Given that China is calling for peace talks, should we (who is we?) be talking to Zelenskyy now about the fact that he probably needs to give something up...... I was staggered. Is this man living in my world? Why would any citizen of Ukraine even think about giving up territory after a) what tthey have suffered and b) they have embarrassed the Russian mental case, Putin, at every turn. What citizen of what country, would seriously consider giving anything up at this point? Sorry, I hope I have made sense.

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