"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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I sincerely hope that this rant will not be taken as political. It is from the heart of someone whose people have fought long and hard to get rid of invaders and tyrants - a battle that is not over yet. I hope this is not taken in the wrong way or seen as a slam at the gentleman involved, but I feel the need to vent about something I witnessed about an hour ago on CNN. Talk about living in an alternate universe......Victor Blackwell, the anchor I was watching at the time (with one ear, I'm afraid) was beginning an interview with someone who had been in a high position with more than one president, and the first question went something like this: Given that China is calling for peace talks, should we (who is we?) be talking to Zelenskyy now about the fact that he probably needs to give something up...... I was staggered. Is this man living in my world? Why would any citizen of Ukraine even think about giving up territory after a) what tthey have suffered and b) they have embarrassed the Russian mental case, Putin, at every turn. What citizen of what country, would seriously consider giving anything up at this point? Sorry, I hope I have made sense.
I agree.

The Ukrainian people have suffered at the hands of Russia for far too long.

The only thing that Ukraine should give to Russia, are the bodies of Russians buried in the wake of Putin's folly.

Nothing more.
I sincerely hope that this rant will not be taken as political. It is from the heart of someone whose people have fought long and hard to get rid of invaders and tyrants - a battle that is not over yet. I hope this is not taken in the wrong way or seen as a slam at the gentleman involved, but I feel the need to vent about something I witnessed about an hour ago on CNN. Talk about living in an alternate universe......Victor Blackwell, the anchor I was watching at the time (with one ear, I'm afraid) was beginning an interview with someone who had been in a high position with more than one president, and the first question went something like this: Given that China is calling for peace talks, should we (who is we?) be talking to Zelenskyy now about the fact that he probably needs to give something up...... I was staggered. Is this man living in my world? Why would any citizen of Ukraine even think about giving up territory after a) what tthey have suffered and b) they have embarrassed the Russian mental case, Putin, at every turn. What citizen of what country, would seriously consider giving anything up at this point? Sorry, I hope I have made sense.
You have made perfect sense. This reminds me of the Alamo, except Travis did not receive weapons from the outside.
I sincerely hope that this rant will not be taken as political. It is from the heart of someone whose people have fought long and hard to get rid of invaders and tyrants - a battle that is not over yet. I hope this is not taken in the wrong way or seen as a slam at the gentleman involved, but I feel the need to vent about something I witnessed about an hour ago on CNN. Talk about living in an alternate universe......Victor Blackwell, the anchor I was watching at the time (with one ear, I'm afraid) was beginning an interview with someone who had been in a high position with more than one president, and the first question went something like this: Given that China is calling for peace talks, should we (who is we?) be talking to Zelenskyy now about the fact that he probably needs to give something up...... I was staggered. Is this man living in my world? Why would any citizen of Ukraine even think about giving up territory after a) what tthey have suffered and b) they have embarrassed the Russian mental case, Putin, at every turn. What citizen of what country, would seriously consider giving anything up at this point? Sorry, I hope I have made sense.
There are a group of people, from both sides of politics and driven by different intents and to different degrees, who push a 'peace at any cost' style line.
Maybe China knows how bad is the state of Rusia and don't want to risk Putin's fall (either metaphorically or just out of a window) and a regime change that could stear this ally away from them.

Right -- Putin may well want peace but cannot afford to lose face, so China gets involved to pull his chestnuts out of the fire? Am I understanding you rightly?
China is smart. They'll offer loans and deals to capture a share of the reconstruction of Ukraine. Let the West bleed its dollars and arms chests to defeat the Russians, so that afterward China reaps the rebuilding profits. It's all part of their plan to complete the China trade road across the 'Stans to the Black Sea.
There are a group of people, from both sides of politics and driven by different intents and to different degrees, who push a 'peace at any cost' style line.

"Peace at any price" sounds fine until the bill is laid. Given China's own authoritarianism and its designs on Taiwan, I'm skeptical of this demarche of theirs. It strikes me as self-serving. They sure haven't given two turds rubbed together before about Ukrainians being killed, tortured, or expropriated to Russia for adoption!

If China would like peace in the Ukraine, they could always stop buying Russian oil and thereby help starve the Z of military funding. They could also stop supplying microchips to Russian factories hurriedly building replacement missiles and tanks. Their pact with Russia two weeks before the Russian invasion of Ukraine last year has plain parallels with the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact.

They want a Russian victory because it advances their own prospects.
"Peace at any price" sounds fine until the bill is laid. Given China's own authoritarianism and its designs on Taiwan, I'm skeptical of this demarche of theirs. It strikes me as self-serving. They sure haven't given two turds rubbed together before about Ukrainians being killed, tortured, or expropriated to Russia for adoption!

If China would like peace in the Ukraine, they could always stop buying Russian oil and thereby starve the Z of military funding. They could also stop supplying microchips to Russian factories hurriedly building replacement missiles and tanks.

They want a Russian victory because it advances their own prospects.
A personal view I admit but my thinking is that China will want Russia to bleed, and pay a heavy price but not let Russia lose to the extent it comes apart. The more that happens the more influence China will have over Eastern Russia.
A personal view I admit but my thinking is that China will want Russia to bleed, and pay a heavy price but not let Russia lose to the extent it comes apart. The more that happens the more influence China will have over Eastern Russia.

Completely agree. In a similar manner, a contingent of American generals in 1941 would have been very happy to see Germany and the USSR eat each other alive. China's playing the same hand.
On Friday late afternoons in the 1980s, if my calls were caught up, I would stop by the small gun shop on the way home. Often, a law enforcement officer from various departments would also drop in. One Friday, the conversation turned to a what if the US were invaded. I proposed that it would most likely come from within, as a government take over, and then law officers would have to make a decision. Both officers in the discussion were in the same department, so I was surprised when one said he would fight the invasion while the other said he would stay where he was.
I suspect those attitudes are about the same in most countries unless an actual military invasion happened.
Similar pressure on Chamberlain and Churchill ... to make peace with Hitler.
And to ignore Stalin's invasion of Poland. I wonder what Chamberlain and Churchill would have done had Poland declared war on Russia. Instead, Poland's Supreme Commander Rydz-Smigly ordered Polish soldiers not to fight the Soviets.
And to ignore Stalin's invasion of Poland. I wonder what Chamberlain and Churchill would have done had Poland declared war on Russia. Instead, Poland's Supreme Commander Rydz-Smigly ordered Polish soldiers not to fight the Soviets.
Poland's commamder was told not to mobilize by the French.

When it became obvious that Poland was under attack, he went ahead and gave the order anyway, but precious time was lost because of that.
Britain and France also had a specific treaty with Poland which specified they would declare war on Germany
if Germany attacked Poland. There was no such treaty regarding Russia and both Britain and France stuck
to their treaty obligation.
I sincerely hope that this rant will not be taken as political. It is from the heart of someone whose people have fought long and hard to get rid of invaders and tyrants - a battle that is not over yet. I hope this is not taken in the wrong way or seen as a slam at the gentleman involved, but I feel the need to vent about something I witnessed about an hour ago on CNN. Talk about living in an alternate universe......Victor Blackwell, the anchor I was watching at the time (with one ear, I'm afraid) was beginning an interview with someone who had been in a high position with more than one president, and the first question went something like this: Given that China is calling for peace talks, should we (who is we?) be talking to Zelenskyy now about the fact that he probably needs to give something up...... I was staggered. Is this man living in my world? Why would any citizen of Ukraine even think about giving up territory after a) what tthey have suffered and b) they have embarrassed the Russian mental case, Putin, at every turn. What citizen of what country, would seriously consider giving anything up at this point? Sorry, I hope I have made sense.
The American elitist's propensity to throw others under the bus for the sake of "a return to normalcy" is not limited by political persuasion.

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