"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Speaking of 155 mm shells. It seems that production has ramped everywhere.
I recently run on this info about the Spanish ammo factory FMG (Fabrica de Municiones de Granada). Apparently they have its 155 mm ammo line running at 100% capacity (including night shifts) for at least 2023 and 2024. (autotranslated from Spanish)

As a curious historical note, FMG is one of the oldest ammo factories in the world. It reportedly had its origin in a powder factory set in the Kingdom of Granada during the XIV century, almost 700 years ago.
Not to be confused with "FNG".
The explanation given above, that timidity about the concern of nuclear war is slowing the supply of arms, is probably close to the heart of the matter.

Or, perhaps, how to provide arms quickly without overly denuding NATO front-line forces? It's quite a balancing act. Sending more shells and bombs is pretty easy. Sending systems to deliver those shells and bombs is more problematic.
Or, perhaps, how to provide arms quickly without overly denuding NATO front-line forces? It's quite a balancing act. Sending more shells and bombs is pretty easy. Sending systems to deliver those shells and bombs is more problematic.
Sending some shells and bombs is the easy part. Sending them in numbers that can make a difference is the hard part.

Paywall free:https://archive.ph/H2q49

Right now the west has a production bottleneck on shells (see for example my previous post "All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again.")

I liked all of this but the sign held up by one protestor caught my eye. Fear isn't a reason to stop fighting. For politicians of all countries it should be Fear isn't a reason to stop making bold decisions.
Many Ukrainians of all ages and roles are paying in blood like the young lady in the most recent video. At the end of the day the countries supporting Ukraine have only money to lose.
The Georgian government has become more pro-Kremlin recently, but the vast majority of Georgians are pro-west, which is one of the reasons for the protests.

The Georgian government is (or is about to) pass a Russian style law that limits foreign business.

Such a law would not be compatible with EU membership.
The Georgian government has become more pro-Kremlin recently, but the vast majority of Georgians are pro-west,
That's the exact same disconnect between the governed and government that led to the Maidan Revolution and Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych to flee to Russia. However in Georgia's case the president is firmly in the EU camp and has promised to veto the pro-Russian bill.
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The crazy "parallel world" continues. Russia launches missile strikes against Ukrainian cities. According to Energoatom, Ukraine's nuclear energy company, a strike destroyed the last electrical grid connection between Ukraine and the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant...and Russia calls the loss of electricity to the plant "a provocation."


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