"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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So the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, plus others I cannot think of at the moment, are all supplying arms and other support with the intent of bankrupting Ukraine? Or do you figure it just the plot of the US, and all the other countries (including Ukraine) are just dupes?

Just to be clear, I was being sarcastic in the above post. I do not think all of the countries involved with supplying Ukraine are dupes, nor do I think it is a vast conspiracy to bankrupt Ukraine.
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So the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, plus others I cannot think of at the moment, are all supplying arms and other support with the intent of bankrupting Ukraine? Or do you figure it just the plot of the US, and all the other countries (including Ukraine) are just dupes?
So the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, plus others I cannot think of at the moment, are all supplying arms and other support with the intent of bankrupting Ukraine? Or do you figure it just the plot of the US, and all the other countries (including Ukraine) are just dupes?
I make it simpler: all the world, except Russia, Iran, China and North Korea.


:) :D ;)

Who can tell what is the final goal of this prolongation?
My guess is that its not intentional. Personally I wish they where no so gradual, but I understand the reasons.
They (not only US but also Europe and other western allies) have been applying the "boiled frog strategy" aka Gradualism.
And yes, the unintended consequence is an unnecessary prolongation of the war. Even risking a Ukrainian collapse.
However the risk of going too fast is nuclear war.

That being said I would love for Ukraine to receive 2x the number of leos and many more GMRLS and ATACMS and plenty of GLSDB, and F-16s and an unlimited stream of 155 mm shells, all ready for spring offensive.
Speaking of 155 mm shells. It seems that production has ramped everywhere.
I recently run on this info about the Spanish ammo factory FMG (Fabrica de Municiones de Granada). Apparently they have its 155 mm ammo line running at 100% capacity (including night shifts) for at least 2023 and 2024. (autotranslated from Spanish)

As a curious historical note, FMG is one of the oldest ammo factories in the world. It reportedly had its origin in a powder factory set in the Kingdom of Granada during the XIV century, almost 700 years ago.
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This is an interesting update on the Nordstream pipeline event. Seems entirely possible that the explosion was caused by a group acting independently of any national control, particularly given the comment about German authorities knowing which vessel was involved:

This is an interesting update on the Nordstream pipeline event. Seems entirely possible that the explosion was caused by a group acting independently of any national control, particularly given the comment about German authorities knowing which vessel was involved:

either that or a classic false flag ops.

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