"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (10 Viewers)

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There's a reason that neither side have achieved air superiority, and that due to the integrated air defence.
Unless the A-10's self-defence is better than anything currently operating it won't last. And yes, it's got all sorts of survivability, built in, but it'll still get written off.
And therefore only after the Belarus and other partisans, or Ukrainian cruise missiles, kill off all the Russian AWACS aircraft will aircraft like the A-10 become viable.
What about the Belarusian, Russian, and Crimean S400s and all the mobile SAMs embedded with the ground troops? Without effective SEAD, it's an untenable environment. You've got to have effective AWACS as well as negating Ivan's.
And therefore only after the Belarus and other partisans, or Ukrainian cruise missiles, kill off all the Russian AWACS aircraft will aircraft like the A-10 become viable.
I still think a dozen A-10s would have made good work of that convoy back in early March 2022 and survived to tell the tale. The Russians in those early days had no concept of readiness or defence. And for entirely unrealistic, unopposed fun, let's game it out.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctHBk917460
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KYIV, March 10 (Reuters) - Ukraine has decided to fight on in the ruined city of Bakhmut because the battle there is pinning down Russia's best units and degrading them ahead of a planned Ukrainian spring counter-offensive, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said.

The comments, by Mykhailo Podolyak, were the latest signal of a shift by Kyiv this week to continue the defence of the small eastern city, site of the war's bloodiest battle as Moscow tries to secure its first victory in more than half a year.

"Russia has changed tactics," Podolyak said in an interview published by Italy's La Stampa newspaper. "It has converged on Bakhmut with a large part of its trained military personnel, the remnants of its professional army, as well as the private companies."

"We, therefore, have two objectives: to reduce their capable personnel as much as possible, and to fix them in a few key wearisome battles, to disrupt their offensive and concentrate our resources elsewhere, for the spring counter-offensive. So, today Bakhmut is completely effective, even exceeding its key tasks."

Russia should forget about lobbing missiles into Ukrainian civilian centres, as that does nothing to hinder Ukraine's fighting capability. Instead save those missiles for high value tactical targets in the coming UAF offensive, rather than schools and shopping malls.

If I was Russia I would be building a 160 km line of anti-tank mine fields and tank traps from Vuhledar to Lobkove. That's where the UAF's force of sixty odd Leopard 2 tanks, plus every available T-72/80/90, SPG, MLRS, Bradley, Marder, M113 and BMP/BTR, supported by every MiG and Sukhoi that can fly are going to come roaring across on a move to cut off the Russians in the southern Kherson and western Zaporizhzhia regions.
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Bakhmut = Stalingrad v2.0

In WWII, the Germans could have surrounded and bypassed Stalingrad during their offensive, but no, Hitler had to have Stalin's namesake, so it became a meat grinder that not only consumed an appalling amount of time, men and material (not to mention the best of the Luftwaffe's flight school instructors), but allowed the Red Army a reprieve across the front to rebuild and reinforce their armies while the German army was bottled up in one spot.

Once again, history repeats itself...
Yes, read the book "Panzar Leader" by Heinz Guderian.

Guderian, Heinz (1952). Panzer Leader. Delhi, India: Army Publishers, Hindustan Offset Press. Cover Title misspelled "Panzar Leader".
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BFM & AIM-9s won't help against either a modern SAM system or a fighter using appropriate tactics and weapons to pick off from afar. Real life is not Hollywood when it comes to war.
Remember also that the Ukrainians already rejected A-10s - see below for one example of reporting from last year:


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