"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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How long before China steps into the second place supplier. My guess would be about six to nine months
Geopolitics is a handicap for China here.

Some former customers of Russian arms exports will never turn to China because China is their potential enemy (think India for instance)

My Guess is that China will fight for the same market that Russia will keep, basically rogue countries like Iran or NK, Africa and maybe some Southamerican country. But I don't see China exporting Arms to western countries, not to most south east assian countries.
India to Ensure No Breach on Russia Oil Purchase Sanctions
paywall free https://archive.ph/Pry3x
India is smart here. They avoid annoying the West and still get super cheap, $60/barrel oil. Russia can't turn off the wells, so they need to sell the oil to someone.
If you say so. I assumed it was more intensive than standard, since Ukraine's Leopard 2 operators need to be up to combat standard in a span of weeks when it normally takes months.

Not really. When in the field on a training exercise 10-12 hour days are pretty standard in any military. Days off are every 7 days or every 14 days, depending on the requirements.
Perhaps Russia is conserving ammo in case of an upcoming Ukrainian offensive?

It is interesting to see an ardent Russian nationalist essentially confirming the assessments disseminated by western intelligence organizations (IMHO, the UK has, in particular, done a good job of declassifying assessments so they can be shared freely and openly).

I remain hopeful that a spring offensive by Ukrainian forces will push the Russian front line back considerably, and set conditions for Moscow finally understanding that they cannot win this war.
Everything seems to pointing to the fact that time isn't on the Russian side. They are running out of almost everything tanks. equipment, ammo, drones, training and repair facilities. From day one logistics have been their Achilles heal and they don't seem to have caught up.

For a long time Russia has been using S300 in a GA role. When this first happened a lot of people including me could hardly believe it, now its almost expected. What will happen if/when Ukraine get F16 or equivalent aircraft and they need the S300 long range SAM's
Perhaps Russia is conserving ammo in case of an upcoming Ukrainian offensive?

It is interesting to see an ardent Russian nationalist essentially confirming the assessments disseminated by western intelligence organizations (IMHO, the UK has, in particular, done a good job of declassifying assessments so they can be shared freely and openly).

I remain hopeful that a spring offensive by Ukrainian forces will push the Russian front line back considerably, and set conditions for Moscow finally understanding that they cannot win this war.
re: "set conditions for Moscow finally understanding that they cannot win this war."

That is something that puzzles me. Only in this same thread there is enough open information to clearly see that Russia cannot win this war. Which makes me conclude that the Russian agents that occasionally show up in this thread, to convince us of revolting against our governments and stop helping Ukraine, never read the thread. Or if they did they never informed their masters in Moscow. Unless ...
... they actually did inform but had an unfortunate deadly fall from a basement. That may explain why Russian agents don't last long in this thread. ;)
Everything seems to pointing to the fact that time isn't on the Russian side. They are running out of almost everything tanks. equipment, ammo, drones, training and repair facilities. From day one logistics have been their Achilles heal and they don't seem to have caught up.

For a long time Russia has been using S300 in a GA role. When this first happened a lot of people including me could hardly believe it, now its almost expected. What will happen if/when Ukraine get F16 or equivalent aircraft and they need the S300 long range SAM's

As far as i know S300 is the most abundant Russian missile. Read somewhere they have a stock in the tens of thousands. That may explain why they waste them in the ground attack role.

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