"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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As far as i know S300 is the most abundant Russian missile. Read somewhere they have a stock in the tens of thousands. That may explain why they waste them in the ground attack role.
Maybe tens of thousands was a bit on the "Russian propaganda" category. But they certainly have more S-300 than anything else.
Here is an Ukrainian estimation from last November.

Irán-Rusia deal for Su-35 is done

As the first korean FA-50 in polish colours emerges

Danish Leo 1 for Ukrainia in the spring, a ukrainian trap for a russian CSAR helo using a russian transponder and a bunch of other news

Irán-Rusia deal for Su-35 is done

Ah... Those old bullshit propagandas again...

They are saying same thing since my great grandfather's great grandfather's great grandfather's great grandfather was not even born!!!

I bet on my life, these "toys" will never arrive! As well as the gold bars they owe us for destroying our country back in both world wars.
My understanding is that the Spanish Leopards are in such disrepair that they're essentially useless.
Perhaps not. I expect this was a bit of disinformation like due to temporary pies fríos on Madrid's part.

View: https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1635307441914265603?s=20

How do these older Leopard 2A4s from Spain, Canada, etc. compare to the newer A7s that Germany, Poland, etc. are sending to Ukraine? The older A4 in the post above does look to be missing some of the better kit, and I assume the internal systems and fire control are better on the A7 shown below. Of course both are better than a T-72 or T-90, but we need them to be much better.

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And going back to address the earlier criticism about American ammunition stocks being drawn down for this war:

The Pentagon is looking to grow its munitions industrial base as Russia's war in Ukraine has rapidly depleted U.S. stockpiles of missiles and ammunition.

The details of the Defense Department's $842 billion budget request for fiscal 2024, revealed Monday, boosts arms makers with $30.6 billion for missiles and munitions — nearly 12 percent more than what was enacted last year.

It also employs multiyear contracts, typically reserved for ships and aircraft, which allow defense companies to make weapons in bulk and count on steady production demand over several years.

Officials say the move is meant to counter an aggressive China, Russia and Iran and ready the country for a future fight.
Pentagon Comptroller Mike McCord, who later spoke to reporters as part of the budget rollout, said "Ukraine has really informed and highlighted the need to up our game here," as far as the munitions request.

But he pressed that not all the requested missiles are meant to replace those shipped to Ukraine. Rather, they're seen as deterrence for an aggressive China in the Indo-Pacific.

Hicks highlighted that effort in her speech, noting that the Pentagon's greatest measure of success is to make sure China's leadership "wakes up every day, considers the risks of aggression, and concludes 'today is not the day.'"

I like this comment in the article below

"Let's say, hopefully just in time for the widely estimated date of counter-offensive on the south towards Azov Sea," he told The War Zone.
Now the Orcs have to decide is it a slip of the tongue and true or a decoy.

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