"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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The problem with Putin's plans, is that the people (yeah, those pesky noisemakers) are the ones who will have the final say.

The Ukrainians had enough back in 2014, the Georgians are getting restless and it appears that Kazakstan has had enough of Moscow.

With Ukraine relentlessly tearing away the mighty Russian facade, it's only a matter of time before the great Russian dream comes to an end.
Some pro-Russian social media accounts reporting Ukrainian forces are massing in multiple areas for counter-attacks. Some saying southeast, others in the east or northeast.

The message seems particularly prominent among accounts that have been promoting Wagner Group in the last 12 months. It also echos statements by Prigozhin about a week ago, warning of counter-attacks at Bakhmut.

No confirmation from pro-Ukrainian accounts, or even much speculation about counter-attacks beyond strictly local tactical efforts. Weather and ground conditions seem to counter any narrative about large scale offensive efforts by Ukraine over the next 6-8 weeks.

Hard to tell if this is genuine fear in the Russian information space about wide-scale attacks, internal wrangling between regular Russian forces and Wagner, or something to do with some other Russian internal political issue(s).

The political wrangling over the level of military support for Wagner and the group's success (or lack of it) seems to be approaching a crescendo. A number of Kremlin aligned mouthpieces have been directly critical of Prigozhin in the last couple of days. Meanwhile, Wagner seems to be asserting only it can crack Bakhmut, and then it will be able to roll into a general offensive headed towards Slovyansk and Karmatorsk, but only if it gets enough ammunition and artillery/air support.
Meanwhile, Wagner seems to be asserting only it can crack Bakhmut, and then it will be able to roll into a general offensive headed towards Slovyansk and Karmatorsk, but only if it gets enough ammunition and artillery/air support.
Prigozhin could also be building a "fall back" for eventual failure, since he's been ranting about how much better his forces are than the Russian Army.

So if/when his army gets crushed by the Ukrainians, he can claim that he "didn't have ammunition" even though his forces are no better trained than Russian Army conscripts and all the ammunition in the world won't fix that issue.

The Russians are well versed in the blame game.
I find the diary particularly thought provoking.

One officers diary, in one part of the war, showing in one week, 434 men attacked and 57 were left. It makes the Ukraine claims of the number of Russians killed and wounded seem quite believable.

Assuming, of course, that it is a Russian officer's diary. Not to cast aspersions on Ukrainian intelligence but there's no supporting evidence (name of the officer, his unit etc.) to help confirm the validity of the diary.

Again, not saying it's NOT a Russian officer's diary but we can't take everything that appears on the internet at face value. According to one website, Abe Lincoln said something very similar.
Agreed. The source is Ukrainian Organization.
I bet they can fake docs and news as good as the Russians do. Actually, on a second thought I bet they can fake better than Russians.
Pentagon news conference about the Reaper collision:

Gen Pat Ryder confirmed the MQ-9 Reaper done was intercepted by two Russian SU-27 aircraft at around 07:00 central European time.

Ryder said the US drone was unmanned and was flying over the Black Sea when its propeller was struck.

He called the incident "reckless and unprofessional".

"Several times before the collision the SU-27s dumped fuel on and flew in front of the MQ-9," he said.

He adds US forces routinely fly over international airspace to "bolster collective European defense and security" with allies.

"We call on the Russians to conduct themselves professionally."

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