"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Well, he has a reputation to maintain. Once you hit the top of your game, you want to stay there, right?

This, together with the integration of their air forces, ...
... they are basically several countries but a single army. And one not to mess with.
On a more somber note:

LONDON/KYIV, March 28 (Reuters) - The steady stream of wounded soldiers into a clinic for artificial limbs in Kyiv is a stark reminder of the human cost of Russia's war on Ukraine, where military casualties are a secret closely guarded by both sides.

Unrelenting artillery fire along a 1,000-km (600-mile) front line and Russia's frequent use of missiles across the country mean that shrapnel wounds are maiming people in Ukraine on a scale just beginning to emerge.

"Unfortunately, the number of patients has increased significantly," said Andrii Ovcharenko, who works with a team of medics and technicians at the "Without Limits" prosthetics clinic, one of almost 80 now operating in Ukraine.

Clinic owner Nagender Parashar's Kyiv-based company made about 7,000 prosthetic components in the second half of last year, equal to the total produced in 2021. "It's still not enough," he said.

Parashar has 25 specialists at the nine clinics he owns in Ukraine; the busiest - Kyiv and Lviv - would see 20 to 30 patients a month, but now it is three times that number and he says he needs up to 75 more specialists to cope.

An interesting piece on the first new major Russian formation to support the invasion the 3rd Army Corp, basically took a pounding, in particular the 10th Tank Regiment. Accornding to the MOD, 10th Tank Regiment's losses have likely largely been due to tactically flawed frontal assaults similar to those in other recent failed Russian armoured attacks, such as around the town of Vuhledar," the ministry said on Tuesday in its daily intelligence briefing.


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