"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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Interesting, russia claims destruction of a non-existant GLSDB that was suposedly launched from a HIMARS that Rusia already claimed to be destroyed (several times).
I'm sure the Black Sea Fleet will soon report sinking USS Enterprise CVN-80.

View: https://twitter.com/oleksiireznikov/status/1640595102119735297?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1640595102119735297%7Ctwgr%5E255238a139a1b3166fb7b0cb803cc185d2b123b0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdefence-blog.com%2Fukrainian-army-receives-first-challenger-2-tanks%2F
This sounds a bit questionable. Scorpion has been out of service for years, with the tiny stump that remains of UK armoured forces operating Scorpion CVRTs converted into first Sabre and then Scimitar recon AFVs.

Where has this cache supposedly been found?
This sounds a bit questionable. Scorpion has been out of service for years, with the tiny stump that remains of UK armoured forces operating Scorpion CVRTs converted into first Sabre and then Scimitar recon AFVs.

Where has this cache supposedly been found?

According to Wiki (yes, I know) there's still over 1,000 Scorpions in service in Africa and South America. Iran has 20 (yep...won't get our hands on those), Nigeria has 150, Oman 120 and Thailand 100. The condition of all these vehicles is unknown and many may be unserviceable. I suspect any bound for Ukraine would require a complete rebuild...but that's just me.
This doesn't come as a surprise...but the level of detail is interesting.

Russia was very successful in fomenting crises in eastern Ukraine and Crimea to expand Russian influence and, in the latter case, enable a complete take-over. That same approach simply wasn't working in other parts of Ukraine, hence the need for the invasion. I find it interesting that the FSB asked for the invasion to be delayed but Putin pressed ahead anyway.

Russian spycraft going back to the Okhrana has been excellent for more than a century, if not longer? It's one of the few areas wherein they play the long game. Amongst other successes, they penetrated German leadership with the Rote Kapelle, as well as the Manhattan Project, higher levels of the British foreign service with Philby et al, and placed a mole in the CIA in the form of Aldrich Ames, the agency's chief of Soviet Counterintelligence, in the 80s.

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