"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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This is a couple of weeks old but I hadn't seen it reported previously. Interesting development re Kazakhstan seizing the Russian-owned Baikonur Cosmodrome. Here are a couple of different articles on the topic:

This is a couple of weeks old but I hadn't seen it reported previously. Interesting development re Kazakhstan seizing the Russian-owned Baikonur Cosmodrome. Here are a couple of different articles on the topic:

It certainly speaks to the Russian loss of gravitas in Central Asia and other former SSRs. Yet more blowback from Putin's misadventure which Russia will regret for decades to some, as China moves into the power-vacuum this war will inevitably leave. There are other articles discussing how their satellite states are using the Russian distraction in order to drive their own agendas, too. More heat in Ngorno-Karabakh, etc, due to a weakened Russian presence.
It certainly speaks to the Russian loss of gravitas in Central Asia and other former SSRs. Yet more blowback from Putin's misadventure which Russia will regret for decades to some, as China moves into the power-vacuum this war will inevitably leave. There are other articles discussing how their satellite states are using the Russian distraction in order to drive their own agendas, too. More heat in Ngorno-Karabakh, etc, due to a weakened Russian presence.
Agreed .... that would have been an unthinkable act pre-February, 2022. And, as you pointed out, the ripples Putin has caused will travel for years.
Human-like Prigozhin sends the new message:

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Human-like Prigozhin sends the new message:

He is full of bravado only because he thinks that he's a tough guy and untouchable.

First of all, he's not tough, the people he employs are - and the day will come when those employees are no longer protecting him.

Then we'll see just how tough he really is...

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