"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (14 Viewers)

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I like the last line.
The leaked documents were an attempt to sow disillusionment among Ukraine's supporters. Create a sense of futility in continuing to support an obvious losing cause. Reports that our munitions don't function with video arcade precision don't phase me. Nothing in real life does.

We all know that the leaked papers have been altered to emphasise or minimise certain points and that anything should be treated with a pinch of salt. That said the one point which does have a ring of truth is the shortage of longer ranged AA missiles. The S300 category of missiles are large, expensive and are being used up at a prodigious rate, and I wouldn't mind betting that there is a shortage and there are few S300 outside Russia.
The impact of them running short is going to be significant and the only way to properly fill the gap is with fighters. I truly hope that work is going on in the background to supply Ukraine with more modern Western alternatives. I cannot see any Ukraine counter attack working without the Ukraine Air Force being able to control the air, and for that they will need fighters
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But I've read somewhere recently, that if your youtube channel has a large amount of followers, you can be considered an expert...


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