"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (13 Viewers)

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According to two U.S. defense officials, the Russian pilot had misinterpreted what a radar operator on the ground was saying to him and thought he had permission to fire. The pilot, who had locked on the British aircraft, fired, but the missile did not launch properly.

When errors cancel each other. Russian incompetent pilot almost started WWIII. Fortunately for the Russians a malfunctioning missile saved the whole Russian AF.
Scapegoat or jerk who deliberately abused the trust placed on him by granting him a high level security clearance?
Sounds like moron to me. It's telling that he leaked stuff on a gamer site. Trying to show off. Like the clowns who post TS schematics on game sites to prove that that tank, or plane, or missile system should be better in the game.
I bet most online game sites are intel gathering sites. What better way to get info for free?

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