"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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The sweet sound of stable doors slamming way after the horse has gone

The Pentagon has also 'begun to limit who across the government receives its highly classified daily intelligence briefs,' CNN reported on Thursday.

This forum needs to add a facepalm to the "likes" menu so that we can neg the reported incidents without negging the poster.

So here, for this belated policy change:

Did they really need to be told to limit the dissemination of "highly-classified" material? Really?

ETA: I personally think the distinction between TS and TS-NTK is worse than useless. IMO, all materials graded TS should automatically be regarded as NTK.
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Re: US intelligence leak

I'm the only one to suspect that the leak may have been been intentional? Operations Fortitude and Mincemeat came to my head as soon as I read about the leak.
And yes, I know. We have a suspect. But you can still take advantage of a leaker, once you know he is a leaker.

Although most of the documents leaked may be real (you have to give something to the Russians to make a credible case) some may have been doctored to mislead them.
I was thinking the same thing. For those who don't know (probably no one on this forum), Operation Mincemeat was:

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Definitely not alone... Or is that what *they want* us and the Russians to think?!
Definitely not alone... Or is that what *they want* us and the Russians to think?!

When I think about intelligence operations, I'm reminded of Hunter S. Thompson's description of the music industry: "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."

There is always, repeat always, a double game in this industry.

Yes, but anyone who's worked in government knows there's far more cock-up than there is conspiracy. The whole bluff, double-bluff routine is fine in theory but, at the end of the day, you have no idea if the adversary will fall for your bluff, or your double-bluff. The more convoluted the attempted deception, the more likely it is to fail. Information operations, including deception, are among the hardest to (a) predict likely outcomes and (b) determine causal effects for those outcomes.
From my perspective, its good to see that the west is finally waking up to the Putinesque world of Orwellian propaganda, double-speak, bluff and brinksmanship. In the age of the internet and the proliferation of misinformation and conspiracy theory, the truth has long been a casualty - and theres a growing intellectual graveyard just stuffed full of gullible people out there. Lobbing some potential curve balls back at them would be a welcome change.

Up until now, the Russians have been playing western mass media and social media and a terrifyingly large number of 'hard of thinking' folk in tin foil hats like rubes. But I suspect and hope that its making the power-cabal fatally complacent. Sooner or later, even the most exquisitely woven delusion comes face to face with ugly and undeniable reality. I think thats the principal and institutional problem with Putins zero sum 'total war' approach to leadership, diplomacy, politics and war. That brick wall is coming and no one in Russia appears to know how to take their foot off the accelerator, let alone hit the brakes.

<ahem>. Thats far too many stretched analogies and dodgy similes from me for one night! (or is it?!)
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Oh, I'm not saying this was preplanned or anything, I'm saying that what we're hearing on the outside is a nice story twice-told and probably designed for foreign ears as well.

Of course this was a fuck-up of the first order. Damage-control and spin are still in play. So are the double games -- from both sides. We're in the bleachers, not the dugouts.

We're certainly better about it nowadays. Going back to the run-up to Russia's invasion, we Americans were showing intel publicly in order to summon support for Ukraine. Once Russia invaded, this stuff should be handled much more closely. Their Orwellian doublespeak doesn't need any more assistance than livestreams etc in order to show the fatuous nature of the Russian point of view.

Putin's approach is 60 years obsolete anyway. Without going political, there are some here in America who regard the Ukrainian fight in terms of America being played for a piggy-bank
and why should we care about Ukraine anyway? It goes without saying that in the 1930s we could rely upon these types being isolationists walking complacently into 1939; so I'm unimpressed.

Russia, like Nazi Germany, like Imperial Japan, like Fascist Italy, will find that reality is a tough taskmaster.

<ahem>. Thats far too many stretched analogies and dodgy similes from me for one night! (or is it?!)

Gotta be after midnight where you are, it's forgiveable.
Sorry, I should clarify, my response with a 'funny' for that last comment. The rest I agree with whole-heartedly.

What I'm still troubled by is the growth of a kind of person who spouts conspiracy theory and propaganda, not because they're some member of a cult or because they were enlightened by aliens off the back of a blotter at a festival in '82, but because they saw it on a youtube video by the likes of Alex Jones, David Icke or Russel Brand. I'm starting to come across these people with a startling and ever more frequent regularity. And they really do buy into the Russian propaganda, just like they buy into chemtrail theory, antivax BS, Alien Lizards and the whole QAnon/Truther thing. Its like a fifth column of the intellectually challenged. I guess that latter part is the only saving grace. But these people have the vote. And in your country, lots of guns. Terrifying

I cannot give a substantive reply to this post without falling far afoul of the forum's rules against politics. About the only thing I can say is that I'm a rationalist and do my best to counter bullshit when I see it.

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