"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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They believe they have the real inside track. I guess it makes them feel superior in some way.

This is the entire point of all modern conspiracy theories.

Conspiracies have happened in history. This is a fact. It doesn't mean all conspiracy theories are factual. This is where the nutjobs slide down the slope.
The pros and cons of Russia using older MBTs:

Guess the list of cons grows it your tanks are not minimally upgraded.

Guess the list of cons grows it your tanks are not minimally upgraded.

I can only repeat what I said earlier. The 100mm on a T55 would stand little chance of penetrating any tank used by Ukraine forces. To combine that with a 1950's 60's infra-red, which if you switch it on, is like shining a torch and saying 'here I am', is almost a death wish.
I use Pettit Trinidad Pro on my hull. Spiffy clean!

But there is more to this. The lack of fouling on the top surfaces suggests it doesn't submerge very often. Which perhaps tells a story of whether it's in use at all.

Hey, it's a diesel boat. It doesn't LIVE underwater the way a nuke does. Even with its snorkel, (and the acoustic ruckus snorkeling entails), it doesn't begin to approach the surfaced/submerged ratio of a nuke boat. Doesn't give the fouling organisms much of a foothold on the upper surfaces, even in normal ops. The density of growth below waterline is definitely evidence of neglect.
From ISW:

Russian elite forces are diluting their combat effectiveness with poorly trained mobilized personnel and volunteers due to high causalities sustained in Ukraine. The Washington Post reported that leaked classified US intelligence documents revealed that Russia's 22nd Separate Guards Special Purpose (SPETSNAZ) Brigade (Main Directorate of the Russian General Staff) and two other unspecified SPETSNAZ brigades suffered an estimated 90-95% attrition rate in Ukraine.[27] The Washington Post also reported that the 346th SPETSNAZ Brigade lost almost its entire complement, with only 125 servicemen remaining active out of 900 initially deployed.[28] These high casualty rates suggest that Russia's most elite forces - Airborne and SPETSNAZ forces - are likely no longer elite. Russian forces have recently deployed elements of airborne brigades and SPETSNAZ formations to frontline areas in Ukraine that operate as volunteer battalions or that are almost entirely comprised of mobilized personnel.[29] It is highly unlikely that mobilized personnel or volunteers received training on how to conduct aerial landing operations and special forces operations, which would suggest that these Russian Airborne Forces (VDV) and SPETSNAZ elements do not differ markedly from other combat ineffective Russian formations staffed by mobilized personnel or volunteers.

i would assume that trap is about to set..... i wonder if russians dont see this or they just ignore obvious facts....
I do hope that you are right but I suspect its an assumption. Ukraine have fought like tigers and unquestionably inflicted massive losses on the Russian forces. That no doubt is one of Ukraine's main aims, but that isn't quite a trap, more like a strategic decision which looks as if it has worked.
The Mercenary arm has been bled dry and this has increased the infighting between the various Russian factions. This is a major strategic advantage for Ukraine and not to be dismissed as the chances of the Mercenary arms trusting the regular army (and vice versa) are minimal. Without cooperation within Russia's forces, Ukraine will be more effective.

What we don't know is the cost to Ukraine. I hope and pray that they have judged it correctly
I do hope that you are right but I suspect its an assumption. Ukraine have fought like tigers and unquestionably inflicted massive losses on the Russian forces. That no doubt is one of Ukraine's main aims, but that isn't quite a trap, more like a strategic decision which looks as if it has worked.
The Mercenary arm has been bled dry and this has increased the infighting between the various Russian factions. This is a major strategic advantage for Ukraine and not to be dismissed as the chances of the Mercenary arms trusting the regular army (and vice versa) are minimal. Without cooperation within Russia's forces, Ukraine will be more effective.

What we don't know is the cost to Ukraine. I hope and pray that they have judged it correctly
human cost is enormous and barely acceptable for Ukraine - probably close to 100k uniformed personnel so far. What is not acceptable for them for sure is to start peace negotiations at this point - too much pain and blood. We will see what happened next in fact - my bet is Bakhmut was from very beginning planned as a trap - i assume Syrskyj and Zaluzhnyi used Bakhmut to absorb 100% of russian attention and exhaust their best assault troops. Unofficially Russian intelligence has made assessment of forces Ukrainians preparing for assault operations - by their calculations it is more than 18 brigades...
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