"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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[Emphasis added]

Don't you know better by now? Or is this a deliberate attempt to kill this thread?
Thats an interesting one. I thought it was posts including and/or subjects inciting political debate and disagreement that was the issue? To my eye, thats a link to a news report about whats happening and inevtiably that will explore the arguments that surround it. Can that not be signposted? Otherwise surely any of the rest of the posts regarding news-reporting and accounts about whats happening between Russian and Ukraine are entirely verboten too? As Karl von Clausewitz put it:

'War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means'.

.... and as 90% of discussion on this forum is about war machines, their funding, design, purpose and strategic deployment, we're on a sticky wicket otherwise. We've certainly discussed Putin's political role in this war. And the wider economics of it too.

My impression was that the 'no P*****s' rule is a fine line and slightly interpretive rule in the context of this thread, put there in practical terms to stop boring tribalism (?) - and, well, war being verbally replicated here! The principal trigger for admin intervention seems defined most clearly when domestic US political dogma is espoused. I totally get why thats a hiding to nowhere.

No criticism of any parties intended, just trying to clarify for my own mind where the borders of forum rule and acceptability lie.
This particular issue is Polish and Hungarian domestic politics.
i think tyou shouldn't express your opinions in a matter you seems to be seriously underinformed - this particular issue is very complex one - ban has been issued because of: first - economical reasons (ukrainian products instead being just transferred simply flooded EU's food market causing sell collapse for local farmers- food production industry is matter of, let's call this justified protectionism, in every country - US is not excluded from this); second- political reasons - incoming election this fall - political forces running government must react somehow; third - there are some enountiations indicating criminal background of whole issue...
Thumper's Poland - Hungary post would seem to infringe on the no-politics rule only marginally, but this one is an outright red flag! Let's not sabotage this thread, OK? Current US Domestic politics is VERBOTEN, no matter how relevant it may seem to Ukraine, especially with respect to such an inflammatory figure as MTG! Heads up, folks!
The polish position is somewhat understandable though if a part of the transit grain actually ends up on their market. The Hungarians are probably just jumping onto this train.
agree with just one comment - looks like it wasnt just part - considering available informations we are talking about lion share - this is why ive mentioned possible crime implications of all this situation. This ban is clear evidence of incompetence presented by governments of many EU countries including Poland not excluding EU commission from this count.

Doing this in Moscow requires a pair of balls.
I am incredibly impressed and humbled by the fortitude and sheer sense of 'rightness' from those in Russia who continue to speak out. They risk literally everything - see the post re: Vladimir Kara-Murza above

I would agree with this.

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