"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (24 Viewers)

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I wouldn't send an offensive into a totally destroyed city. As Stalingrad and other examples show, rubble is very often easier to defend and soaks up soldiers. It also hinders the mobility an offensive requires to achieve decisive results.

Yep....go around well-defended positions, cause havoc and mayhem to adversary logistics, force a retreat...and the well-defended position will fall by itself. It's called unhinging a defence...and it worked really well for Ukrainian forces in their offensives last year.

"Hit 'em where they ain't" is a good operational dictum, in most cases. Avoid attacking an enemy strength when at all possible. Fire-and-maneuver writ large, in a sense. An offensive should not sacrifice mobility.
As it stands, the Ukrainians have played their hand well with Stalingrad V2.0, forcing the Germans Russians to divert their manpower and equipment from other lines to reinforce the meat grinder.

While Stalingrad Bakhmut was the focus point of the Russian Army (thanks to Putler's mad obsession), the Ukrainian Army was allowed to rebuild their forces and move their assets into a focus on the weakened Russian lines.

I will bet good money on the Ukraine offensive being an Operation Uranus V2.0, where their forces swarm around and cut off Bakhmut.

I would also suspect that while Operation Uranus V2.0 is launched, a similar offensive will be unleashed that will exploit the afore-mentioned weakened Russian lines at key positions.

If my suspicions are correct, Russia will lose a considerable amount of men trapped in the Bakhmut, not to mention casualties in the thinly defended lines elsewhere.
I've seen many videos of Russian conscripts complaining that they were trained for artillery only to be used as cannon fodder. Mr. Peskov seems very fortunate.
The AFU will do as many things as possible to complicate and confuse Russian planning.
good money and no chance for being assigned to assault MG position manned by Kozaks who become experts in "altering demographic numbers" for russia - may you wish more? This is result of fixing conscript system with computer software replacing bribe hunger clerks... - by the way - i wonder when russian computers start accepting "facilitation payments"....

But to be fully honest in this matter lets consider this picture...
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Would the term "joined" be, by any chance, the equivellent of being "volunteered" in western military circles?
I liked this part of the report

He added that he did not want to say anything else on the issue, as "it has nothing to do with my work".
But some in Russia are openly questioning whether he actually fought in Ukraine.
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel is quoting eyewitnesses as saying Nikolai Peskov's favourite Tesla car, which he usually drives himself, was seen "actively" moving around Moscow - and even collecting fines - during the period which he claimed to have served in Wagner.
The channel also says that unnamed Wagner artillerists have told it he was nowhere to be seen in the Bakhmut area

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