"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Just the autopilot function trying to spot a parking place.
Similar were my thoughts when I've read about the Admiral.
We can only hope that someone in the Russian military high-up will grow a pair, even if it is 14 months late.
I must disagree!

The reason is that no one will ever reach high ranks, without passing through specific political - ideological filters in regimes like Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

I believe the story of this so-called "admiral" is nothing more than a lie, a hype of some sort.

Economical situation is way better in Russia, than it is in Iran, also they have way more social and cyber freedom. They won't be blocked, from various sites and apps, because of their nationality, They can wear anything they want, and go anywhere they want. Their national currency is on higher value than IRR, they get way more tourists, even with all recent events.

So many more things to say... Keep it short:

What you mean, won't be happening until next 1000 years.
After causing 700+ million in damages to the station it was probably their only chance to fire him AKA let him go elsewhere.
The company that sued Fox will hopefully also sue some others with the "stolen election" narrative.
BTW CNN also fired a long-standing news anchor but "just" because he treated women like shit.
To get back on topic (Russian invasion of Ukraine). What about more news regarding Tucker.

He was a helpful idiot for Trump, now he may become a helpful idiot for Putin. I just hope he's sent to Moscow to work from there.
Even overseas, he has to register as a foreign agent, unless he renounces his citizenship. I can just see him in the hands of a snatch squad, sent home to stand trial for treason, just like Tokyo Rose. Couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy!

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