"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (10 Viewers)

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I just hope that Mr. Civilian (Zelenski and any other non military high ranking officials) let the real men and women do their job, and not interfere!
Arguably the military must still be subordinate to the civilian leadership. The Civilian Leadership set the goals and the boundaries and then the Military leadership deliver those outcomes.
Russia's future rests on Ukraine war, Putin tells Victory Day parade '

Russia's future rests on Ukraine war, Putin tells Victory Day parade

' - well, for once , I agree.......

Yep...it's more "careful" language from Putin. The future of Russia does depend on the outcome of the Ukraine conflict. If Russia wins, then Putin can cling onto his perch and the Russia that he wants will persist. If (hopefully when) Ukraine wins, then Putin will fall and some new version of Russia will have to be shaped by whoever replaces him. That could be even worse than the one we have today...but it will be different. Hopefully, the "new Russia" will be more open and democratic than any version before.
Whatever or whoever comes after this has finished, will have to start with a massively reduced Army, next to no modern equipment and little money to replace it with. The threat that Russia poses will be significantly reduced for many years. If indeed they want to be a threat.

China is almost certain to become the next focus of attention, and they will not welcome being the only threat to the West. Over the last 5-15 years they have operated under the radar but the world is catching on. It's also worth thinking about the possibility that to Russia, the bigger threat could easily be China, not the West, which will put a lot of pressure on China.
I'm reminded of the before and after fleet reviews of the once might Royal Navy.

In June 1911, at the Coronation of King George V, 32 battleships, 36 cruisers, 67 destroyers, 12 torpedo boats and 8 submarines assembled at Spithead to celebrate. In July 1914 at the onset of the First World War, as a flicker of the sword beneath the cape; 59 battleships/battlecruisers, 55 cruisers and 78 destroyers were on display to the world at Spithead. In May 1937, at the Coronation of King George VI as as a demonstration of British power; 10 battleships/battlecruisers, four aircraft carriers, 87 cruisers and destroyers and 22 submarines assembled once again at Spithead. But all things must end, and by the 2005 Spithead review, the RN fielded 2 aircraft carriers, 19 destroyers/frigates, 3 assault ships and 3 submarines - filling the remainder of the field with twenty-odd MCMV/OPV and survey vessels. In 2014 for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee one would have expected a Spithead fleet review, but, as reported in the Telegraph, "Lord West, a former First Sea Lord, said I suppose we could get a couple of submarines out and five or six frigates and destroyers, but it would be very small and not very splendid." And there was no chance of any assembly at Spithead at the Coronation of King Charles III, there's so few ships to show. Mind you, a KGV class battleship cost £7,391,000 in 1937, equal to £406,108,347 in 2023, when a single Type 31 frigate is estimated to cost over £250 million a piece.

This is now Putin's world, where his army is shattered and any reasonable recovery is economically and industially impossible. Russia can no more replace its thousands of lost tanks and IFVs than Britain can return to its even modest-sized RN of 1997 (3 carriers, 37 DD/FG and 22 subs - including the boomers). I expect after the humiliating global reports (and likely snickering in Beijing, New Delhi, Pyongyang, Tehran, Washington, etc.) about this reduced, tank-less 2023 parade; by 2026 or so there will be no Victory Day parade of tanks and arms whatsoever.

This has to be the best parade of Russian military vehicles we'll ever see.

View: https://youtu.be/i0IIKa3B1z4?t=384
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