"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Maybe fear of lack of spare parts or quality construction can be blamed also:

Peru should sell its MiG-29s to a middleman in exchange for US or French fighters, with the MiGs eventually getting to Ukraine.
I find this incident quite interesting.

Initial reports were that Romania shot down three Shahed drones in it's airspace.

Then the report is that Shahed wreckage was found in rural parts of Romania.

Then a Romanian official stated that they hadn't downed any drones.

And of course, Russian news outlets claim Romania is not capable of shooting anything down...
For the umpteenth time....

For the umpteenth time....

Good. I'm sure the Russian economy is under utilized. Diverting the resources necessary would be a mere bagatelle.
For the umpteenth time....

Putin's having a hard time scratching together five T-72s from the boneyard, maybe he's contracting Matchbox for this job?
For the umpteenth time....


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