"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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Musk is from South Africa, which has a disturbing habit of supporting Russia.

There is also some talk about Maye Musk (his mom) having ties to the Russian Mafia.
I don't think one needs to use his South African or family heritage to explain his thinking. He is just despicable in his own right. Just ask his daughter
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A military can wear any uniform they see fit - as long as it has it's nation's identifiers and is not intentionally misleading.

Ukrainians can wear anything they want and they also wear identifiers that indicate that they are UAF.

Now the Germans wearing U.S. Army uniforms during the Battle of the Bulge would be (and was) considered illegal.

The U.S., for example, has a variety of combat uniforms. The Army and Airforce wear comparable camo, the Marines wear a different style and the Navy has their own.

And within each branch, the camo can be changed depending on the deployment: desert, woodland, arctic/snow, etc.

So that article is just reaching for clicks.
Nope. How many different patterns of "uniforms" does the Z Storm units have?
The AFU is fending off a rapacious, unprincipled horde of semi organized terrorists. The AFU didn't time to go shopping.
Those are military uniforms. They aren't Russian uniforms. No case.

Aside from anything else, different branches of different nations have different uniforms, not just dress but also battle-dress. And units may change uniform depending on deployment area -- Arctic, woodland, and desert are all camo patterns for our old BDUs and sometimes we were deployed with non-theater camo (I deployed to Saudi with woodland BDUs, and only picked up deserts about three or four days later).

Integral uniform appurtenances are insignia of rank and nametag, some sort of identical dress, national ID card or tags, and some sort of outerwear that is unit-similar. Simply saying, "Oh, that looks odd" is not a case for prosecuting a soldier as a spy, saboteur, or escapee masquerading as something else.

For any normal country, at least. I don't think even the most perfect uniform would spare a Ukrainian soldier the worst of fates when facing the Russians ... but no mention made of the ""little green men" in 2014 Crimea. The article omits that. Sounds like bullshit to me.

This from the article in particular is categorically wrong:

Furthermore, it is specified that the wearing of the uniform must be fixed, meaning that all combatants must wear the same uniform, according to the nation. This guarantees protection of the environment of combat and the misidentification of targets.

Flying combatants wear flight suits. Soldiers wear looser, camouflaged clothing with larger and baggier pockets for cartage and loops for hooking. Navies wear those funny little suits we used to dress our sons up in, what with dixie-cups and bell-bottoms. So not all combatants must wear the same uniform. They must wear a uniform. The nation in question may determine the uniform of the service or even of the day.

This is why websites should always be fact-checked. I never saw a B-52 crew-member climb out of a bomber wearing BDUs and steel-toes. It was always flight overalls and (usually) jungle boots, with velcroed nametag/rank on the overalls. Very different from my woodland BDUs. This "same uniform" statement is horseshit.
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