"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Just a small example of what can happen when hackers find the smallest crack.

Also, Russian Cyber attacks have increased against European and U.S. targets since 2022, targeting government and financial institutions.

Ukraine and Russia have also been locked in a Cyber war, too.
Under close supervision? Sounds like someone is echoing talking points...:rolleyes:

Right, and a USAF(R) intel guy got a gigstick in, downloaded classified info, and posted it online in order to look cool. Egress and ingress in a computer system are essentially identical.

Eyeroll all you want, make a personal attack. Until you address facts, it's really not convincing. Offline systems can be cracked open, your optimism aside.

On the assummption this is directed at me, this is not a "conspiracy theory", your poisoning the well aside. As shown above, even secure systems can be hacked by bad actors.

Your faith is cute, but no system is impenetrable. Believe you're secure at your nation's risk.
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